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"Thank you for tonight," I say as we walk into the house. He shuts the door and we stand in front of each other. "I had fun."

He smiles, "So did I."

"Goodnight," I say. I stand on my tip toes and I give him a kiss on the cheek. He smiles and I walk off to my room.

When I enter my room I don't even turn the light on because I know Brandon is fast asleep. I turn the light on my phone and I grab my clothes.

I go to the bathroom and I change into my comfy clothes. Once I'm done I walk out to the room and I shine the light on Brandon.

He is completely out of it and he looks so peaceful as he sleeps. His lips are parted slightly and there is a bit of drool on the corner of the his mouth. His head is titled to the right slightly and his chain is resting against his bare chest.

I crawl under the blankets with him and I snuggle my face into his neck. He wraps his arms around me, "Ashlyn?"

"Yes, it's me," I say softly. His grip on me gets tighter and he rests his head on mine. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine," he says, "But can I ask you something?"

"Anything," I say.

"Do you like Nick?"

I pause as I think about that question. Nick is super sweet and I wouldn't mind dating him. But then there is you. It'll always be you. How can I like someone besides you?

"I don't know," I say, "I'm in love with someone else, but they don't know that."

"Who?" He asks.

"That's a story for another time," I say, "That's a story for a time I have the balls."

He doesn't say anything after that and neither do I. I close my eyes and I fall asleep snuggled up to Brandon, the man I secretly love.

[2 weeks later]

It has been two weeks since my first date with Nick. We have been on lots more dates and he asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday. I said yes.

I like Nick and I want to try to get over Brandon. It'll always be Brandon, but I might as well try to leave him behind because he doesn't feel the same about me. Ellie and him are still together, but it's been super rocky.

Brandon and I never talked about the night he was drunk. I don't think he remembers it and I don't want to remind him because then he will make shit awkward.

The two of us are still best friends and we do lots of shit together. I've always gotten super close to the other boys, but I haven't talked to Ellie at all. And I don't seem to care much anyways.

"Ashlyn!" I hear from downstairs.

"What?" I say quietly since I can't yell. I've been really sick and my throat is killing me. I can barely talk.

The door of my room open and Brandon walks in. He has a bag of shit from Walmart and an iced coffee in his other hand.

"I brought you shit to heal," he says while shutting the door.

I laugh and I sit up on the bed. He comes over and sits down next to me and dumps the bag. He hands me the coffee and I take a sip. It feels so good on my throat.

He starts to pick stuff up and organize it. As he picks it up he tells me what it is, "So we have cough drops, tissues, vix, ibuprofen, NyQuil, water, ice cream, popsicles, Oreos, Kit Kats, some movies, popcorn, and Snapples."

I smile and I lean over to give him a hug, "You are the greatest human ever. Thank you."

He hugs me back and smiles, "Anything for you." He throws the bag on the floor and grabs one of the movies. He puts it in the TV and turns it on.

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