Chapter 3: To Earth

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Spinel's POV:

I grab a few things I know I'll need and place them in my gem storage, trying to be careful not to crack it anymore than it already is. After I finished that, I grab the phone from the table in my room and put it in my gem, as well.

Steven said he'd be right by to pick me up, so I should probably tell the diamonds where I'm going, then go out to the warp pad? I thought to myself, and I did exactly that. I make my way down to the diamonds and tell them I'm going to earth for a bit.

"Oh, well have fun!" White exclaimed.

"Be safe!" Blue added.

"See you soon!" Yellow joined in.

That went well!

"Bye!" I say as I go out the door and over to where I was yesterday; the garden in front of the palace. The warp pad was around there, so I figured I'd wait there!

About 20 minutes pass, until...

I see a flash of light ahead of me. It's the warp pad!

Steven emerges from the light and starts walking towards me, I wave at him, and he waves back.

"Steven!" I greet, jogging at him and stopping when I reach the hybrid, "It's been so long!"

"Yeah, Spinel! It has, hasn't it. Anyways, you ready to go?" He remarks.


We were about to get going, when...

"Uh... Spinel?"


"What... Happened to your gem?"

Again, really?!?!

"Oh, uh... I was out here yesterday and, being myself, I was clumsy enough to fall off a rock, or a tree, or something and land the wrong way!" I nervously laugh, trying not to make the situation awkward, yet failing miserably. Steven kept looking at me strangely, then stopped after a while and said,

"Oh. Uh, does it hurt?"

"Sometimes, yeah. But nothing I can't handle!"

I really didn't need anyone else worrying about me...

Steven laughs, "Well, we'd better get going! Before Pearl and Garnet come back." He quietly mumbled the last part, though I still heard it...

Sorry for not posting last week! I just felt like ending this chapter here for now, but I'll get about two out over reading week next week! I also didn't feel like writing much today, my friends came back to town after she moved last December, and I spent the last half hour crying... Anyways! Hope you enjoyed and I'll try to write more in the next week! Expect two chapters next week, bye!


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