Chapter 9: Morning...

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(bear with me I'm running out of names for these chapters. Also, thanks to SpinelIsATaffy for the suggestion!!!)

3rd person POV:

Garnet, Pearl, and Steven both sat in the livingroom, waiting for Spinel and Amethyst to come out of Amethyst's room for breakfast.

"When do you think they'll wake up?" Steven asked, growing a little impatient.

"Soon, I'm sure." Pearl answered, "If not, then... I'm not actually sure."

"Calm down, everyone. It's getting pretty late, but maybe someone should go check on them-" Garnet was cut off as Pearl stood up.

"Oh, yes! Don't worry, Garnet, I'll go check on them-!" Pearl was also interrupted.

"No, Pearl. You're just going to get into another argument about Spinel. I'll go."

"Wh- but- no- no I won't! How many possible futures are there in which that happens!?!?"

"I don't need to look to the future. I can already tell what you will do." Garnet said, shifting her visor as Pearl hung her head slightly, "Also, now that you mention it, there are TONS of futures in which that happens."

Garnet walked towards the temple, going inside and into Amethyst's room. The door closed behind her as she stepped inside to see the two gems just barely waking up. Spinel's arms still wrapped around the quartz as she sat up. This caused Spinel to also be forced up. Amethyst rubbed her eyes, then caught a glimpse of the fusion, causing her to open her eyes a bit more. She shook her companion awake, the pink gem waking up slowly as she yawned.

"Hmm... What time is it?" She asked, rubbing her eyes as she slightly copied Amethyst's position. Spinel looked up groggily, still grasping her friend's arm before she saw a different figure in the room. She was grinning, the smile was unbreakable as her hands clasped together infront of her. She soon walked toward the two, both realizing by now that it was Garnet.

"So this IS the right future! I knew it!" Garnet celebrated to herself

"Uh... What?" Asked the quartz, cringing slightly. She knew what it meant when Garnet was like this.

"You two... Are in love." She said, still smiling.

"What!?" Spinel yelped, blushing uncontrollably at the statement.

"Yes! I saw this was a possible future outcome! This will be an exciting new path for you two! Congratulations."

"Garnet, shut up." Amethyst groaned as she tossed her head back lightly. Spinel still blushed awkwardly, not moving at all.

"Amethyst, you know I'm right. Just admit it." Garnet replied in a reading manner. The two looked to the blushing pink gem, wondering what would happen next. Who would say something? What was going to take place? How was this-

"Come one, Garnet! Look, now you've scared her." Amethyst started, snapping Spinel out of whatever kinda daze she was in at the moment.

"N-no! It's fine, I was just... Not expecting that!" She reassured her.

"Okay, if you're sure."

"I still can't believe this is the right future..." Garnet mumbled under her breath, though it was still loud enough to be heard by the other two gems.

"Ugh, come one, Garnet! Leave us alone already!"

"Fine. But this will not be the last of it."

"Okay, I don't care. Can you stop it now?"

With that, Garnet smirked, leaving the room and chuckling silently.

"Oh, and also, breakfast should be ready soon! You two should probably come out here soon!" She waved.

She got back out to the livingroom, seeing Pearl and Steven still waiting.

"So, what happened?" Steven asked as he saw Garnet walking up to them.

"They're going to be a few more minutes."

"You seem... Happier than usual. Did something happen?" Pearl added, still seeing the smirk on the taller gem's face.

"This is the future I was talking about earlier..."

Pearl and Steven shared confuelsed glances, then looked up at Garnet, "Wait, when did you talk about a certain future?" Steven cocked his head to the side.

"Oh wait. I never did... Hm, I mustn't have mentioned it yet."

"So, what is this future? What makes it so special?" Asked Pearl.

"Amethyst and Spinel have a special connection with eachother here. They... Are more than just friends."

"Wait... So, you mean- Really!?!?" Steven caught on.

Pearl, also understanding this, gasped "B-but- w- how!?"

"They seem good for eachother!" The hybrid cheered, smiling kinda like Garnet did when she first found out about this, as well.

"I can agree with that!"

Pearl wasn't as happy as the others. How could this have happened? She thought, They just saw eachother again yesterday... After four months! I never saw any of this! Spinel...

Spinel isn't safe, either.

At this moment, the door to Amethyst's room opened, revealing Spinel's and Amethyst holding hands and walking out cheerfully.

"Hey, you two!" Steven ran up to them happily.

"'Sup Stee-man?" Amethyst raised her free arm in a short waving-like motion.

"Good morning, Steven!" Spinel replied.

"So... Anything interesting happen lately?" He asked, trying to show that be knew of their little "secret". It worked...

"Ugh, Garnet! What did you tell them!?" The quartz whined.

"I just told them what I felt they should know." Garnet crossed her arms, still smirking.


"Is it true?" Steven asked, excited for the two gems before him.

"... Yes..." Spinel answered after a long pause as she rubbed her arm nervously.

"Aw! That's so nice! Congratulations!"

"Thanks, Steven." The two smiled, laughing lightly as they realised how they said it in unison.

"Amethyst?" Pearl started.

"What, Pearl?" Was the answer

"May I talk to you? Alone?"

Well, that's it for now! I have an idea of where this might go, but it might be a shorter chapter. By shorter I mean, like, 100-200 words? I'm not exactly sure. Thanks again, SpinelIsATaffy for the suggestion! Anyways, I'm still taking suggestions if you have any, and that's all! Hope you enjoyed, and goodbye!


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