Chapter 6: Unexpected

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3rd Person POV:

"Hello, you two." Garnet properly greeted, smiling at the gems before her.

"Hey, Garnet!" Amethyst replied, followed by an energetic wave from Spinel, to her left.

"So, how has everything been going?" The fusion asked curiously.

"Meh, pretty good. Just hope Pearl stops squawking soon."

Garnet nodded and readjusted her visor, "I think Steven would like to see you two in a little while." She smiled.

"'Kay, Garnet." With that, the other two gems left for the couch. They sat near eachother, yet a foot or two apart. Steven came down the stairs shortly after and started a conversation while sitting to Spinel's left,

"Hey, guys!" He greeted.

Hi, Steven." Spinel responded with slight enthusiasm.

"Yo." Amethyst joined.

"So, do you both wanna, uh, do something?" The hybrid asked.

"Sure." They responded in unison, then staring at eachother briefly before bursting into laughter.

"You two been bonding?"

"Guess ya could say that." Amethyst said, calming her laughter.

"Anyways, wanna do something?" Steven chuckled along.

"Heheh, okay. Like what?" The pink gem calmed down as well.

"Like... Go for fry bits?" He shrugged.

"What are those?"

"Oh, sure, Stee-man! Trust me, Spinz, you're gonna love 'em!" The small quartz exclaimed.

"O-okay!" She spoke.

The three left the house and made their way down the boardwalk, and towards Beach CityWalk Fries. It wasn't much of a surprise to see Peedee working a shift at the counter when they arrived.

"Hey Peedee!" Steven greeted to the boy.

"Oh, hi Steven." He responded, "And Amethyst, right?"

"Yep." The quartz nodded. The young male looked up from the counter he had been staring at and locked eyes with the remaining pink gem.

"W-W-W-WHAT!?" He yelped as he jumped back in surprise, "Steven, what is SHE doing here?" He motioned to Spinel with his arm.

"What, Spinel?"

"I dunno her name. All I know is that she tried to KILL ALL OF US!!!"

Steven was a little shocked. He hadn't heard that in a while, "Well, that's in the past. She won't try to hurt any of us now." He calmly attempted to explain.

"How do you know that?" Peedee whisper-shouted. Spinel hid behind Amethyst in slight fear and confusion, the quartz then wrapping an arm around her waist in attempt to calm her.

"Peedee, you're scaring her." The hybrid motioned towards the other gems.

"Oh yeah? Well, she scared me!"

"Peedee, calm down! I assure you, she's good now." The hybrid breathed.

"Fine." Peedee sighed, "What'll it be?"

"We just came for the bits."

"Oh, alright." With that, the three got the bits and left, Spinel yelling 'thank you' over her shoulder as they did. The boy smiled a little. Maybe she has changed.

(TiMe sKiP~)

"Yo dude, what was his problem?" Amethyst asked while eating some fry bits, 'like the good old days'.

"Eh, I dunno. I guess he thought Spinel was gonna come take over the fry stand or something!" Steven snickered, causing everyone to laugh a bit.

"Meh, maybe. If he kept on talking about me like that I would've gladly." Spinel added, earning a snicker from Amethyst and Steven. Even herself.

"Yeah, that would've been fun, though." The quartz nodded.

After the excitement of the night, the two gems and hybrid decided to just eat their fry bits and go to bed. They were finished within a matter of minutes, this also being Spinel's first time trying food on earth. By then it was already pitch black outside, the stars blazing high in the night sky and emitting some light in the darkness. Steven checked the time; 10:40!?

"Well, we'd better get to bed now. It's pretty late." He said, stretching.

"Okay." The pink gem stood up from a barstool.

"Sure." Amethyst shrugged, getting off of the counter where she had been sitting.

"Alright. Good night, guys." The boy waved as he drowsily made his way upstairs to his room.

"Night, dude." Amethyst called after him.

"Good night!" Spinel added.

"Well, we'd better get to sleep, too."

"Yeah, sure!"

With that, the two made their way to Amethyst's room, the temple door opening as she commanded...


Heyo! I just wanted to say thank you for reading so far! This is one of my most popular stories (well, with one being completed and the other unpublished, but...) And I have you all to thank for making that happen!!! Anyways, that's it for now, and don't forget to tell me what you think in the comments! Feedback is always appreciated. Alright then, goodbye!!


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