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"Someone tell me I'm not in detention. I need to talk to someone!" This is the first time I got this cursed slip! I never got into detention! Never!

"We're the only one's here. You can't talk to anyone else but me." And of all people, I get to be with him in this prison! "You have no other choice." He said from across the room.

"This is all your fault! If you didn't give me that stupid letter, I already got to practice! You're nothing but trouble." I crossed my arms and crossed my legs. "How much longer?!"

"You know what? Let's be frank here." He stood up from his seat and sat next to me. "All of these started because you can't let go of that one thing in the past. You couldn't forgive."

"Well technically THAT was your fault! If you didn't use me to get one fucking toy then we would've been good!"

"For Pete's sake, it was a toy! We're still fighting over a freaking toy, Kim Jennie?"

"Toy or not. You still used me and fooled me. It wasn't right. And I don't tolerate that kind of attitude Mr. Kim Taehyung."

"Fine!" He stood up and went back to his chair. "You're unbelievable!" I heard him dragging his chair away.

"We still have practice.. I can't stay here!"

"Then you shouldn't have faught in the corridor earlier this morning." Both of us stood up when she entered the room. "Ms. Jennie Kim. You're the leader of the school's Cheerleading squad, C.R.U.S.H. And you're pretty responsible, as far as I know. And you are, Mr. Kim Taehyung. You're the leader and lead vocalist of the band, PURPLE. Your bandmates asked me to let you go. Same goes with you Ms. Kim. But unfortunately, as the new principal, I have my own rules."

"You just got here. How did you have your own rules this fast?" Taehyung asked in an angry manner.

"Are you questioning my actions, Mr. Kim?!" I stiffened upon hearing her scream. She's indeed scary. "I want my students to become educated and well mannered. Not like this."

"I-I'm sorry." I wanted to laugh because of his stuttering but it's not the right time for that.

"Both of you will stay here until I won't hear any more bickering. I don't care if you go home at midnight. Talk this out." She left the room. Both of us gasped when she locked the door.

"No." I ran towards the door and tried to open it. "No!! Let us out!"

"It's no use. Even if you lose your voice she won't let us leave."

"Well that's a big thanks to you!" I sat back on my chair and hugged my bag. "I should be in the court, practicing right now!"

"And I should be in the music room practicing our performance next week! If you weren't over reacting, this wouldn't have happened!"

"So this is my fault? Yah! Stop blaming me dickhead! If we lose that competition, I'll give you a dead rat as a thank you gift!"

"If we disappoint our fans, I'll take that unicorn keychain and burn it to ashes!"

No he didn't.

"Leave the unicorn out of this!"

"Then stop shouting so we can leave this place!"

"Me? You're also shouting!"

"Well then stop shouting!"

"How would I stop shouting if you're still shouting!?" - "Just shut up!" And the whole place was silent.

I burried my face on my bag and sighed. That competition is very important for C.R.U.S.H. It's like the battle of all the schools in the country. We can't let our school lose. If it wasn't for this dick here, I would be there to help them.

All we heard was the ticking of the clock for an hour. No one dared to talk or make a noise. We both have to leave.

It's almost nine and that witch didn't unlock the door. Does she want us to sleep here? That's ridiculous.

We heard the doorknob turning making the both of us stand. "Good. I didn't hear anything from the both of you. Go home and see you tomorrow."

I immediately wore my bag and left. I ran towards the court, hoping to see them but they're not there anymore. "Great. Just great!" I turned around and left the building. "Oh no."

The school looked so terrifying at night. This looked like those haunted houses in the movies. I walked in the corridor going to the main door. I can hear my footsteps echoing and it's creeping me out.

There was a hum coming from the back. It's like a... Child. A little kid.. "My gosh, Jennie stop thinking about that." I fastened my pace until I reached the door. I suddenly heard someone running. "Holy fuck!" I quickly ran to the door and opened it.

"For heaven's sake! You startled me!" There's Taehyung.

"Did you hear it? Th-the humming and the..the running?"

"You heard it too?" So he also heard it, which means, I'm not hallucinating! "You're not lying or making this up?"

"Of course not!" Then I heard the humming again. "Shit!" I immediately ran, dragging him with me. "You have car or something?"

"I'm grounded, no!" Well this is just so nice! We opened the gate and ran. We don't have phones or anything we can use to contact anyone because the wicked witch took it.

A cab was coming towards us. "Hey! Stop!!" I was too scared to put myself together. I couldn't think straight. I hate scary things!

We went inside and finally, it was over. "Phew." He brushed his hair back and covered his face with his hands.

"Would you mind if I ask the both of you something?" The driver asked.


"We don't want to talk about it."

Then silence.

I was looking at the window the whole ride home. Same goes with him. I mean, why would we talk?

I arrived home and payed the driver. "Jennie!" Mom immediately hugged me "Where have you been? We were worried."

"I got into detention. That new principal is definitely the worst. I hate her."

"Jen! You're home!" Krystal unnie. She was wearing MY Gucci dress with MY gold purse! "The date was perfect. He loved my outfit. See?"

"Krystal you fucking didn't!"

The Cheerleaders Vs. The Singers || TAENNIE FFWhere stories live. Discover now