🌸Her Secret

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"Hi there." Three girls suddenly came to my table and sat beside me. "I'm Sana." She introduced herself.

"I'm Tzuyu and she's Wendy. We just got here so we don't know anyone yet. But you're pretty cool." She said. I just smiled at them.

"I'm.. Sooyoung." I'm not that friendly so I don't know how to start a conversation.

"Hey Sooyoung, look at that guy over there." I turned to him and he suddenly broke eye contact. He's PURPLE's leader, Kim Taehyung. Of course, everyone knows him, everyone likes him.

Except for me maybe.

"Let's make a bet. I think he likes you based on how he looks at you. If you end up breaking his heart, we'll make sure to make you popular. I know you're always behind the spotlight. You're pretty and we're willing to help you."

"So is it a deal?"

"Okay." I stood up and walked towards him. That's we met. He was so sweet and I fell for him too. We got into a relationship and I didn't want it to end.

But then the three threatened me that if I keep the relationship going, they'll be the ones to tell Taehyung and humiliate me in front of everyone.

But I told him the truth. He understood me and I'm glad his feelings didn't change. Everything was perfect until something happened.

"I'm sorry to tell you. You have brain tumor, and you have few months to live." My doctor said. Since that day, I couldn't think straight anymore. I was scared if what will happen to me.

I immediately called off the bet and they decided not to the punishment anymore because of my situation. They're really just jealous of Jennie because she has everything. They only used me to take Taehyung away from her so her life would be miserable.

And because of my sickness, I became so selfish. I thought, I was gonna die soon. I wanted to spend the rest of my days with him. I told him about my sickness. I made him choose: his friends or me. I thought he will choose them. He has a lot of reasons to be with them. But he didn't. "I'll explain it to them when the time comes. You need me the most right now. If I can be the reason for your recovery, I'll stay with you. They'll understand me."

"Thanks Tae and promise me you'll stay with me until I go. It's just for a couple of months.. I want you to focus on me and me only. After that you can do whatever you want.. Be with whoever you want but please.. I want you to stay by my side for now."

"Do I have a choice? Sooyoung I love you. I want you to stay and live. I will. Until your last breath.. I will stay with you."

"That Jennie.." I started. I've always wanted to talk to him about her but I was just scared. I'm scared he'll realize it and leave me. "What is she really to you? What do you really feel about her. Be honest with me Tae. Was she someone..more than a friend to you?"

He kept telling me that she's just a friend but I can't believe him. I don't know why but I just can't. She was someone else, I can see it.

"Sooyoung I already told you. Jennie's my friend."

"Cut the bullshit Tae. Tell me honestly, HONESTLY this time. How do you really feel about her? She's not just a friend, is she?"


"Tae! I would accept whatever your answer is. I just want you to be happy before I go. Please tell me the truth."

"I.. I did like her." And there he said it. "When we were staying at that summer house. But you're the one I loved for years, Sooyoung.."

"I get it. You're just chained to the thought that, you liked me for years, that's why you love me. But Taehyung that's not how it works. You wouldn't like her if you still have feelings for me. You're just confused."

"No.. Sooyoung that was just temporary-"

"Is it? You've been exerting so much effort for her to talk to you.. To forgive you.. I even remembered you glaring at that new guy Jaereum when she was happy with him. That's not just jealousy because she's your friend..it's something else."

"Sooyoung stop. That's not it, okay?"

"Shut up. You're just making yourself think that she's just a friend because it's stuck in your mind that you like me. I can always switch positions with her. I can be the friend, she can be the girlfriend. She likes you, right?"

"She doesn't want to talk to me. She won't even hear my reason. And Jae's taking good care of her. I hurt her so many times already."

"And yet you're still doing everything to talk to her. I'm so convinced that you like Ms. Cheerleader."

"Yah, hajima. Just..focus on yourself right now. Stop asking questions about me." I rolled my eyes. If he says so.

"You should go home. It's pretty late. I'll be okay. I have my helpers to help me if I need anything."

"Okay. Get well soon, Sooyoung."

"Aigoo.. Go home straight. I don't want to see you beaten up because of her again. And I couldn't go to school tomorrow. Tell your friends I'm sorry. I hope they will forgive me for what I did."

"If they will just hear me out."

"They will, don't worry." He nodded and stood up. "And Tae..

You're free."

Author's Note:

FINALLY!! I know you guys have been waiting for the revelations and stuff I've been keeping this whole time😅 Some almost got it and I'm amazed💖

Hope you liked reading this part!!😁💚💕 I've been waiting for so long to write this actually😂

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