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"She likes me?" Taehyung asked himself. He couldn't sleep thinking of what happened earlier. Jennie's confession is stuck in his head and he couldn't do anything about it. "Jennie actually likes me.."

He turned around and faced the wall. He's been talking to his self for hours and he had never done this before. He's confused, sad, curious.. A mix of emotions are keeping him from sleeping.

"How would I know? I thought she was just caring about me. Aish, Kim Jennie!" He knew he couldn't sleep so he stood up and left his room. "I'm going crazy." He left the house and strolled around the town. It's nine and the cold breeze helps him feel calm.

Taehyung was humming a song until he saw someone familiar, talking to a kid. He walked closer to them.

"Jungkook." The younger boy looked at him coldly. His expression made Taehyung feel uneasy. It's not how his dongsaeng looks at him before. "Nice to see you here."

"Hyung's going home now." He smiled at the kid and walked by Taehyung, totally ignoring his presence.

"Kook, don't be like that." He stopped. "Are you really mad at me? Is there anything I can do for you guys to talk to me again?"

"I don't know you. Stop talking to me." He said and wore his hood. Taehyung sighed. He's the closest to their maknae, so close that they treat each other as brothers. But the feeling that Jungkook gives to him right now is making him guilty.

"I'm sorry." Going back to the times when they were still inseparable broke his heart. He knew Jennie was right. His friends were always there for him right from the start. But the thought that he's also happy with Sooyoung and he doesn't want to lose her. "I don't know what to do anymore."

He sat on one bench and covered his face with his hands. It was so quiet that the only thing he can hear were his soft sobs. He felt so weak and tired. He would remember running to one of his friends and let out his emotions.

But he doesn't have any of them anymore.

He noticed it was so late so he came back to his house and forced himself to sleep. He admits, he did feel regret after what he did. But he can't undo it and bring everything back to what it was before. His friends won't listen and they totally ignored him..forgot about him.

His biggest regret was not knowing about Jennie's feelings. They got so close and he thought she was fine when she was acting okay. But she was hiding her feelings for him and he hates himself for being so naive to feel it.

But he doesn't even know what to do if she confessed earlier. He was so scared to break his bestfriend's heart. He's scared to see her hurt.. Especially when he's the reason why.

There was a mix of emotions and feelings when they were staying under one roof and inside one room. There was something he couldn't explain when he's with her. Maybe I'm just happy because we're okay now, that's what he thought but he knew it wasn't just that.

"Stop going back to that time Taehyung. It's too late to fix everything." He told himself.

After few minutes, he finally got to sleep.


"Hi honey! Did you sleep well last night? I know you're having a hard time after what happened.. But you can always find new friends!"

"Yeah. You're right." She showed her brightest smile which Taehyung always loved. "It's almost lunch. Are you eating with me later?"

"Oh.. I'm going home this afternoon. I have this monthly check up that I can't miss. You know.. About.."

"Yeah, yeah.. I understand."

"Thanks." Both said their goodbyes and parted ways. Taehyung went to his next class. He passed by Namjoon and Hoseok but they acted like he was someone they don't even know.

"Be a man Taehyung. Don't cry about this.." He walked briskly and went to his next class.

The teacher wasn't there yet so he had to endure the noise his classmates are making. But one of the noises was about him. "I heard he's no longer a part of PURPLE." One of the guys at the back said.

"Students say, he chose Sooyoung over them. It was unexpected though."

"Tsk, tsk.. He should've chose his friends. He's nothing without them."

"Come on.. Don't pitty him! You know what good that will bring? We can finally ask Jennie out!" They suddenly rejoiced.

"I've always wanted a taste of her!"

Taheyung heard what he said and spanked the table so loud, everyone kept quiet. He stood up and looked at them. "Say that again." He said, looking so pissed at the guys at the back. "Come on! Say it!"

"Fine. I want to fuck her so hard in front of you. I'll pleasure her so much she'll beg for more!"

He lost it. He punched that guy. Not contented with one but did it multiple times. "You piece of shit! You can't do that to her!"

The guy's friends pulled Taehyung away and helped their friend. His mouth was already bleeding. Bruises were all over his face but he still had the strength to get up and attacked Taheyung.

Three of his friends held both of Taehyung's arms and kept him from moving and fighting back. "We're no longer scared of you." He threw a punch at him. Taehyung hissed but didn't show any sign of defeat. He repeatedly punched his stomach and he was enjoying it.

Taehyung felt weak. He was doing everything he can not to close his eyes. His opponent suddenly punched him hard.

He fell on the floor, blood on his shirt. "Look who's the loser now!" The guy's friends laughed and kept on stepping on him.

"Stop.." He said, but they didn't hear him. Even if they did, they won't. "Stop it." His hands formed into fists, hoping he can still regain his strength but he couldn't.

Slowly, his eyes closed and lost consciousness.

Author's Note:

This part is about Taehyung's feelings and regret. I kind of revealed the whole thing in this chapter😅 You guys can now do the theory thingy if you want to😂

Thanks for the 17K reads everyone!!😘💕

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