🌸Falling Dream

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"Mrs. Dee Moon Yeo." What an unusual name.. "How long does a menopausal woman use the restroom?" He shrugged his shoulder and continued chewing his gum. "Yah! Can you stop? You've been chewing that gum for ten minutes. You look like a fucking goat."

"I'm happy you're annoyed." The restroom door bursted open and Mrs. Yeo went out.

"Aren't the other leaders here?" Other leaders? What does she mean by that? "Mr. Kim stop chewing that gum in front of me. That's an insult." He stopped. "Spit." She said, handing an empty sticky note.

He left his chair, annoyed and went to the trashcan. "Why did you call us? I swear that incident earlier, he started it. I wouldn't start a fight if nothing triggers me."

"That is not the reason why I called you and the other group leaders." The door opened and our fellow club leaders went in.

"What the heck?" Taehyung exclaimed as he saw the others. "Suho hyung? Soobin?" He went to his friends.

"Momo, Seulgi unnie.." Both of them sat beside me.

"Jennie, do you know what's going on?" Seulgi unnie asked. "We were just pulled out from class without knowing the reason."

"Now!" All of us turned to her. "I have called all of you because I changed the school's rules and regulations. And I thought about all of the clubs."

"What's wrong with our clubs?" Momo asked.

"Jennie Kim,  leader of the Cheerleading squad, Kim Taehyung, leader of the Singers, Kim Junmyeon, president of the Acting department, Choi Soobin, president of the Book club, Hirai Momo, leader of the Dancers and Kang Seulgi, leader of the Arts and crafts department, we're shutting down your clubs."

"What?!" All of us exclaimed.

"You can't do that. Clubs are important, Mrs. Yeo. Students enjoy being a part of a group where they can be themselves." Suho said.

"He's right. This is also for socializing. There's no reason to shut down all clubs. This is our escape to the stress school is giving us."

"I get your point, Mr. Kim and Ms. Kang. But as I've observed, your attitudes need more focus. You're all acting inappropriate. Your language, your actions, everything is wrong. I decided to replace the time for club practice and activities with a How to Practice a Good Behavior subject."

"I'm sorry to disrespect you ma'am but that's unacceptable."

"I know what's right for my students. Don't question my decisions. All I need is your approval and I need them right now."

"What if we don't?" Taehyung firmly said, crossing his arms.

"You get expelled." That's too cruel! What kind of principal is she? "You have no choice but to sign this." She gave us a contract saying we, the leaders, agree to close our clubs for good. "Go on. If you don't want to get expelled."

Seulgi unnie sighed and took the contract. "I'm sorry." She signed on top of her name. "I don't want to get expelled. It's for the best."

"She'll force us anyways. Let's not do this the hard way." Suho and Soobin also signed.

"No, guys.. Our clubs are important! Momo, please tell me you're not signing that." She just looked down and signed the papers. "What? You're all approving this?!"

"You have no choice, Jennie Kim. I only need two more signatures." She said looking at Taehyung then me.

"I'm not signing those shitty papers. We have a competition next month and we can't back out now." He said.

"Same goes with us. We've been practicing for weeks. I won't let that all go to waste. This is a battle we've all been waiting for. To give tribute to the school."

"I see.. The two most loved and appreciated groups in the school. Both of you have done great things for this school. Okay, let's make a deal."

Yes! We payed attention to her and listened to her condition.

"You will participate in that contest so your hardwork will pay off. And after that contest, I want both of your clubs to perform in our school. The one with the most votes stays and the other goes. How does that sound?"

Taehyung and I looked at each other. I'm confident about my team. We'll win this for sure. "Deal."

"Deal." She clapped her hands and stood up.

"Now that we're done, you can now go back to your classes. Thank you for your time students." She smiled creepily and all of us left.

"She's so rude! I wish your mom is still the principal Jen." Yeah, I wish she still is. Now we have to work two times harder for our club. "Fighting unnie." She smiled and went to the others.

"You did say we'll be starting a war. I played it off as a joke." He walked towards me with that blank expression. "But I'll take it seriously this time. I won't let you win. Keep that in mind."

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