1 - A Pest

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Have you ever been left out? Have you ever been bullied? Or perhaps you were the bully? Whoever you are or were, it's nothing compared to Kim Sangjun.

Mr. Sangjun had very wealthy parents and was spoiled rotten as long as he kept getting good grades, and he of course did. Despite all of the money, we wasn't a bad guy. He was more of the hero of the story.

He went to the best High School in Seoul, he was popular and had many friends, of course. Girls were admiring him from all kinds of distances! Whenever he walked by they would whisper about his dashing good looks and he would pretend to not notice or hear them, as always.

He was often surrounded by his friends, and if he wasn't, the girls would take the place instead. Despite all of the attention from the females, he never flirted, kissed or showed affection towards them. He was a well raised child and planned to stay clean until his death.

Many boys were interested in him as well. He treated everyone equally and never left anyone out.

He helped people and it didn't matter what was wrong, he would always have a way to help them. He would comfort crying people in the halls, he would stand up to bullies and he had even saved people from committing suicide.

However, no one would save him, no one would think about the actual him. He always gave away small parts of his existence to ungrateful teenagers. It made him depressed and he felt alone.

People only liked him because of his fame and his looks. Even his parents were pure workaholics so they had no time for their beloved son. People had high hopes for the boy and it was too overwhelming. Resulting him in giving his razor blades another reason for existing.

He was a hero in need to be a villain.

But on one warm autumn day, a new girl arrived. She would sway her hips and flip her hair as she walked. She had a perfect slim body, tall legs, long and black hair and no makeup. Everyone thought that she would just blend in with the other girls and she would let herself get persuaded by Sangjun. However, this girl had other plans.

Sangjun was sitting in class and paying attention to the teacher, you know, as a good student should.

- Alright students! It seems like our new friend has arrived! said Professor Jung very enthusiastically.

The teacher opened the door and in walked the very pretty little lady. She stood in front of the class and showed a warm smile towards everyone. It was almost as someone had pressed a button so that the mood would instantly change.

- Hello everyone! My name is Min Ji Ah! I hope we can all become friends!

Her vibe was blinding, it felt like mother nature had entered the classroom. She was perfect.

You would probably think that Sangjun was upset or angry because someone was as perfect as him, and you would be right. He was furious, even though he was a very kind person and almost like a real-life hero.

He was often and easily jealous. Wouldn't you be mad if someone would just barge into your classroom and just take your place that you have worked so hard to get?

He was of course not a narcissist, he was too broken for that. However, he still had some pride left and wasn't going to go down to some silly girl.

Excuse me, could you please explain what we were talking about again, miss? I didn't quite catch it. He said, trying to sound as humble as he could.

- Of course Mr Kim. Ms Min, could you be so kind and take over there?

The professor said and pointed towards an empty seat in front of our dear protagonist with his whole hand.

She obeyed pretty quickly, still smiling of course. Sangjun on the other hand couldn't be more annoyed. Her hair flew back and her arms swayed back and forth as her hips moved from side to side. She looked at him for a quick second, without smiling may I add, and sat down.

Sangjun didn't notice, he ignored her and just stared blankly forwards. He had grades to be getting.

The lesson ended and he didn't get to finish getting his stuff until the same light voice could be heard.

- Hello, what's your name? She said a bit too enthusiastically.

Her smile appeared on her face again.

- Kim. He replied coldly.

Sangjun noticed how big of a mistake he just did. He should have put on a good persona so that she won't spread rumors and just fall for him already instead, just like everyone else.

- Oh, what about your second name? Or was that you second name, I'm sorry if I'm being rude. She apologized.

Was she actually genuine and wanted to be friends with him? He stood up and saw this as his opportunity to appear nice.

- My apologies, miss. I'm Kim Sangjun. He replied with a smile and bowed towards her.

He closed his eyes while he talked so that he would appear more approachable and so that you couldn't see the burning anger that he possessed.

- How funny, we both apologized, would you maybe want to have lunch with me? She said. You see, I don't have that many friends.

He finished packing his stuff and thought about his answer. If he would have said no then she could make other friends and begin her popularity this early. Or he could say yes and start a thousand rumors about them and end up dating someone that he doesn't even love.

But maybe a few rumors could be nice for his clean record. Yeah, she should feel lucky that she gets to have lunch with someone as popular and famous as him!

- I'll have to think about it, I'll tell you when I see you again if the offer still stands. You see, my schedule is a bit more packed than others so I often don't get lunch breaks. He had to sound famous or really busy and not desperate so that she would like him.

His schedule was like any other person but it added to his image. They walked out of class and headed to the next one, she had Chemistry while he had Math.

This was going to be a long day...

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