2 - Imperfect Perfection

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At lunch time he had told his friends that he was going to have a lunch with a girl. Of course they asked him a lot of questions but he mostly gave bland answers so that they wouldn't bother him about her anymore.

She wasn't special after all.

They left him outside of the cafeteria and he waited for her. Many stopped to talk to him until she arrived.

- I didn't think you would have time, I'm glad. She said with the same smile as always. Of course.

- Let's have lunch outside, dear. He said and they were off.

She didn't act like the other girls, she never snaked her arm around his or tried to flirt with him. She never even complimented him.

He was a bit pissed but at the same time didn't care because she was still a nobody in his eyes. People started to whisper about them as they passed. Ji Ah seemed to enjoy the attention whilst Sangjun was almost having a mini panic attack.

Of course he likes attention but not this kind where he doesn't know what they are talking about and doesn't have control over the situation.

The bad taste of paranoia hit his mouth as they walked out into the yard. She spotted a bench underneath a tree and suggested that they sit there. He agreed and led her to the bench. She sat down first and he slowly sat beside and unpacked his lunch.

- You seem pretty popular. She suddenly said in a breathy laugh.

- I wouldn't call myself that, I'm not famous or anything. He replied.

He knew exactly how much power he had over people and what he could do. So much for a hero, right?

- I want to have your popularity. She continued, almost cutting him off and completely ignoring his reply.

- Pardon?

- I want your popularity, please give it to me.

He was shocked and didn't know what to say. Was this kid joking or something? She had the guts to talk to him like that?

- Look, I don't know what you mean. I am afraid that you'll have to explain a bit further, Ms. Min.

He didn't get to think before she snapped back at him.

- Are you some kind of robot? Are you braindead? Look, I get that you have a reputation and shit but just drop the act. No one is actually that nice by choice.

He sighed and stood up.

- Why suddenly so rude, miss?

- I was never actually nice. Haven't you ever heard about lying?

He was taken aback by the sudden change in attitude but definitely not surprised. If he didn't have a reputation to think about then he would be lashing out on her in return.

- Of course I have, but you don't seem to have. He could barely hold back as a smile crept up on his face.

- So it is a persona. She said as she filled up with confidence.

- I never said anything like that, all I'm saying is that you aren't as observative as you think that you are. He finally said and didn't let her reply.

He left in a quick move and didn't bother to care about her feelings because he had classes to attend.

. . .

She exited the school. Ji Ah had gotten a few girlfriends and was already invited to two parties and they set her up on a few dates.

She promised that she was gonna go to the dates but she knew that she never would because no one would like her actual personality.

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