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Now I know why the academy does not do home economics in the curriculum, Iruka sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose while looking at the results of his cooking lesson. My bento items are normal. Iruka sighed in relief, seeing a basic rolled egg, rice balls, and cooked sausage and boiled salmon on his plate. Also tasted it and it's alright. I am a pretty average cook. But-

"Why did it turn out like this?" Sasuke groaned, glaring at her plate. Iruka gulped, seeing everything looked like burnt wood or some kind of strange goop outside the rice balls. The rice balls, luckily on another plate, were perfectly made.

"Well, as promised," Iruka sighed, taking one of the rice balls and biting into it. "At least you can do good rice balls, Sasuke. Though, I am a bit scared of trying to teach you other dishes with what I am seeing."

"It was a fluke! Let me try again!" Sasuke shouted, puffing her cheeks at Iruka.

"No. We already have quite a mess to clean up," Naruto sighed, also taking a rice ball and trying it. "This is pretty good considering what happened last time. However, if you want to try again, you will be cleaning up this mess by yourself."

"Naruto... So mean..." Sasuke slumped to the ground, trembling in despair as Iruka looked around.

My lord, it's worse than a battlefield. Iruka sighed, finding he was very glad now for wearing an apron. The counters were covered in a mess as well as the floor. He was just amazed the cabinets did not get covered with egg and rice considering all that had happened. Iruka's eyes then landed on the plate of Naruto's cooking. But, this just makes me lose all confidence in my abilities to cook.

"What's wrong, Iruka?" Naruto asked, noticing the annoyed glare Iruka had aimed at his cooking.

That's the thing! Nothing is wrong! Iruka thought, examining the perfection that was Naruto's cooking. A perfectly made rolled egg held together with a seaweed bow, rice balls shaped as cute panda characters, the sausages made into octopus and even the other side dishes had a perfect, cute appearance to them. All it was missing was a bento box and to be arranged into the perfect lunchbox. "Naruto... Who taught you how to cook and why have you never made a bento before?" Iruka asked, sighing in defeat while Sasuke also looked meekly at Naruto's cooking.

"Old man Teuchi who runs Ramen Ichiraku," Naruto said, still confused by the gloomy looks both Iruka and Sasuke were giving him. "Though, he only taught me the basics of cooking and some fried items for lunches. I really can't take eating fried foods due to all the sparring and exercising we do after lunch. It gives me gas and upset stomach. Hence I always bought lunches and such since Teuchi is kind of busy with his restaurant for me to ask. Don't tell me, it's the rice balls, right? I always wanted to try those character looking ones I have seen in the girl's bento." Naruto sheepishly laughed, looking away in defeat and dejection.

"Just because it looks good..." Iruka mumbled, Sasuke and him looking warily at the items. It might not taste well like Naruto experienced with Sasuke's cooking. However, since I am his teacher, I must take the sacrifice as I rather Sasuke not-

"Bottoms up," Sasuke said, taking a rolled egg.

"Hai!" Iruka jumped, grabbing a rolled egg as well before they took a bite. Amazing! Iruka thought, his eyes wide at the bliss of flavors to hit his mouth.

"Delicious!" Sasuke chimed, her cheeks flush with pleasure. "Naruto, you're a good cook!"

"I-I'm not!" Naruto shouted, blushing while looking away. "Let's clean up this mess so I can go home and study for the test coming up!"

You rarely study...Did we just managed to embarrass you? Iruka thought before smiling. "Alright. Let's clean up."

"Dammit! I can't lose this!" Iruka looked at Sasuke with a raised eyebrow before seeing her bolt forward. "I'll clean up! Don't worry about-"

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