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"Naruto, you did all this!" Naruto looked down, blushing in embarrassment and remorse as Iruka looked around Sasuke's home.

"A-Amazing," Sasuke stuttered, gob smacked with seeing her home sweep, mop, dusted, and practically sparkling clean on the first floor. "This place hasn't been like this since Mom died!"

"Sorry! I got carried away!" Naruto bowed, apologized.

"Carried away? How the hell can you clean like this?" Iruka asked in shock, glaring at Naruto. "And why the hell is your apartment such a mess if this is carried away?"

"I can stand being in filth if I am not around it all the time. Once I am stuck in my apartment for half a day, though, I can't stand it and clean up like this." Naruto slumped, knowing all too well why Iruka was mad. I power clean when I get going and it wipes me out afterwards. Hence I don't like doing it all the time. Naruto thought, letting out a tired sigh.

"So, if I trap you in my apartment for half a day with tutoring, you'll clean mine?" Iruka smirked with an evil glint in his eye.

"Hell no! I'll just give you an even bigger mess!" Naruto shouted, pointing at Iruka. However, he was shocked when Sasuke grabbed his hand. Ah, shit! Now Sasuke's going to be mad as I been all through her stuff and even washed her dirty laundry. Naruto trembled in horror. Girls hated boys even looking at their underwear. Just touching it was a death sentence as Naruto discovered never to use such for pranks.

"I'm sorry!" Naruto blinked as this time Sasuke bowed. "I never really thought of your feelings and forced you to be my boyfriend! Can you forgive me?"

"Wait... What?" Naruto stood there in shock. D-Did Sasuke just admit she was wrong? Holy crap, is the world ending?

"Naruto, what are you doing?" Iruka asked, pale with seeing Naruto look out the window. "Wait a second... Sasuke, what do you mean you forced Naruto into being your boyfriend?" Iruka asked, giving Sasuke a stern sensei's glare.

"Ha ha ha. When Naruto found out I was a girl... I kind of pushed him into being my boyfriend. He's the only guy who accepted I was a girl." Sasuke blushed, looking away in terror. She yelped when Iruka bopped her across the head with a fist.

"No wonder Naruto's been on edge! You can't force love to happen! It happens naturally be it blooms early or late." Naruto snickered with seeing Sasuke scolded by Iruka. "The same goes with friendship and forming bonds. Often times, forcing them results in bad waters including making them enemies."

"I don't want Naruto as my enemy!" Naruto blinked as Sasuke was actually crying. "I really do like Naruto. Even when people put him down, he always gets back up with a grin. I always had a crush on him and always mad at myself that I let my own nervousness from speaking with him."

Huh? Naruto blinked, noticing the blush on Sasuke's face. She really has a crush on me like Hinata did? A real one, not a fake one like the one I was thinking?

"So... When I realized I was relaxed around him when he accepted I was a girl... I did not want to let the chance go. I wanted Naruto to love only me. I was scared of anyone else taking him from me." Sasuke mumbled, trying to fight back the tears. "I'm sorry."

"There, there." Iruka sighed, ruffling Sasuke's hair gently. "But, I do believe Naruto deserves the apology. I mean, think how freaked out he had to have been trying to deal with you."

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" Sasuke bowed repeatedly at Naruto, "Can you forgive me?"

"Hm..." Naruto frowned, looking at Sasuke who had tears in her eyes. When I think about it, I kind of didn't think of your feelings as well. I mean, I was so focused avoiding the problems you were giving me... That I failed to realize you were just trying your hardest to make me happy. And just earlier, I was trying to cheat on you to get you out of my hair. Naruto looked down, biting his lip.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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