Coffee run

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"Shiiiiiiiiiiit!!!! LARRY!"

I yelled for my brother but like always, I get no answer. I called him like 20 times and nothing. We had a flight to California for a workshop and his shit wasn't packed. He was always late to everything and it pisses me off. I tried to calm myself down by finish some packing of my own when my phone shot a tune. It was a text from Larry

"Larry: Hey where are you? I thought we had to go get Burno. But he not here... Wassup?"

I took a minute to reply because I didn't want to upset him but I couldn't help my fingers they wrote what they pleased.

"Me: Bro, Burno is at the fucking airport!!!!! Which where we should've been!!!! And your shit no packed either. If you don't get here by 3:00 I'm leaving!"

I let out a huff when my phone rang again I ignored it; I had enough of his bullshit he was never on time. I grabbed the half-packed bag and flung it over the balcony, tossing a shirt or two along with it. If he didn't pack it, he didn't want it.

"What the hell are you doing!?!"

I peered over the rails to see Larry at the very bottom. He seemed pissed but I didn't care I shook my head and shouted

"Nice try!! I told you NINE hours ago to get your shit packed as it's not!!"

"Did you read my message!?!?" He screamed as he hurled his arms up in the air. I glanced at my phone and read the message.

"Larry: It is packed!! I'm ready to go nigga!!!! its Jack's so don't do no dumb shit 😡"

Shit. I dart back to the balcony to tell Larry to get the clothes but they both were gone

"The Fu-"

"Here. Don't do that shit again. Think before you do stuff man."

He launched the clothes and bag passed my head and onto the couch as he appeared through the door.

"We gotta go c'mon, we don't wanna be late."

I slammed my shoulder into him with my bags in my hand as I made my way to the car. I packed the trunk and hopped in the driver's seat with Larry shortly following behind, slamming the door loudly. I stared at him until he apologized.

"Hey. I'm hungry. Stop at Banjo's Doughnuts?"

I agreed cause I was hungry too. I took off letting the silence in the car linger. It wasn't normal for Larry not to say anything during a car ride, we always talked, but then again I wasn't up for talking either.

"Oh Lau did you ev-?"


I waited on a reply but when I didn't get one I glimpsed over in his direction. he was staring at his phone, appeared angry then his expression changed, it was sorrowful.

"What is it?"

He shook his head and faked a smile.

"Nothing I'm just hungry."

He drifted off into the window, ignoring the constant ring and buzzing of his phone.

"Are you sure? You haven't been yourself since you showed up at the hotel?"

"I'm fine."

"Bro, c'mon you can tell me I just don't like to see you like this."

Larry didn't say anything he slumped in the seat, returning his gaze to the window.


"Lau chill! I said I was fine so leave it alone!!"
He pulled his beanie over his eyes and laid in silence. The rest of the ride continued to be the way it was when we started. Something was bothering my brother and he didn't want to tell me. But why? He always told me everything but if he didn't want me to know, fine. I just wonder if it could be something serious.



I shook Larry until he opened his eyes.

"We here?"

He mumbled.

"yup c'mon."

We hopped out of the car and I thought I heard Larry say something so I turned back around.


He looked confused.

"What, what?"

"You said something."

I stared at him and he bored back.

"Lau, no I didn't, stop fucking around and go, I want my doughnuts!"

I chuckled as he swiveled me around, shoving towards the entrance.

"Lau, wait!"

Before I could think, or before Larry could stop me, I slammed into somebody. My chest was burning bad but I stood there frozen. The strong smell of coffee hit my nose and I gagged. I hated coffee, the shit stinks and it's dangerous as hell. Just my luck, hot ass coffee was burning my skin and I stood there like a dumbass.

"Ahhhh. Shit what the he-"

I was ready to cuss the son of a bitch out but I stopped. There was a girl on the ground, scrambling to pick up the rest of the stuff she dropped. I knelt down to help her. I didn't wanna be rude and I'm pretty sure she didn't mean to, so the least I could do was help. Also, she was absolutely gorgeous.

"Are you ok? I'm so sorry I don't know why I didn't see you. I mean you're really tall, I should've seen you. I mean you're right there!! God I'm so stupid how I could have done that?!?"

I lifted her chin so she could see me. "No worries. Is fine ok?"

I stared at her taking in everything about her face so I wouldn't forget. Her dark black in her head, the shocking light brown eyes, and her soft, supple, glossy, pink lips. Damn, she was perfect like a ballerina doll. I realized I was gawking and I probably scared her. I let go of her, cleared my throat, and stood to my feet, along with helping her to hers.

"I'm sorry. I'll pay for that if you want."

She looked at me and smiled.

"That's awfully sweet of you, but I'm afraid I'm running late. Again I'm really sorry! Thanks again for the offer you're such a gentleman! Bye!"

She waved goodbye and hopped in what looked like a pink bug, but I couldn't tell.

Larry came out of the store with a doughnut in his mouth seven boxes of doughnuts. "Mhat?" He mumbled over the boxes. I cracked up laughing and walked back to the car. Larry struggled with getting the boxes in the car. When he finally got them in, he rewarded himself with two boxes. I started the car, thinking of the cute blonde girl I ran into earlier. I wonder what she was late to.

"Dude, can you stop dream fucking? I can hear it from over here! Ugh, nasty"

He gave me an evil look.

"I hope you die off doughnuts."

I shot back. He looked at me and frowned, then threw a doughnut at me. I caught it in my mouth, munching on it happily. We both crack up laughing, almost choking on the sweet fluffy rings.

"C'mon, c'mon, we gotta get to the airport!"

Larry said jittered in his seat. I backed out of Banjo's and headed towards the highway. I'm glad when these workshops are over... because one, I can't wait to get back to Paris and two, I can't stand long trips with Larry...

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