The Flight

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I made it in time right?

I looked around in a frantic glance for Lisa.

"Are we looking for cute foreign guys to bang?"

Lis whispered behind me and I jumped

"Lisa what the hell?!?"

I scolded.

"You damn near killed me!"

All she did was shrug her shoulders. She gave me her wicked grin and I flicked her off and smiled.

"They call for boarding yet?"


She started.

"We go on after this set goes on."

I took a seat, exhausted from the fucked up morning that I had before I had showed up here.

"It seems you had a rough morning love care to share?"

"I'd rather you eat broken glass."

She covered her mouth in shock and pretended to be offended. I couldn't help but laugh, she was dramatic, but I loved her for that she was always in the mood to up someone's spirits, even if it meant happily accepting a sarcastic death wish from a friend. Soon the second set was on board and we were up next. Luckily Lisa and I had seats next to each other I hated strangers, well, airplane strangers. Some were rude as hell. Smelled, or talked too much. Lisa was all those things, except the smelly part, but I was used to her and her annoying ass ways. We've been friends since middle school. We graduated from the same high school and finished our fine arts classes together. She's like a long lost sister I never wanted to find, and yet I would probably be a mental head case if she wasn't by my side. We finally reached our seats and we sat down.

"Cali's gonna be awesome. I haven't been there in years."

Lisa quietly squealed.

"Yeah I know. I can't wait to start these dance classes again. I miss my children. And I hope I get a call about my painting being displayed in The Hive."

"Oh yeah, I forgot you do that dance thing every summer. But don't you have your paintings plastered on the walls at the academy?"

She asked gazing out the window.

"Yeah but that's not a gallery. I mean, they paid me for the paintings but they don't really get noticed there. It's like when you go to the doctor's office. Their pieces are beautiful, but no one cares about it."

"Yeah that's true, but you're obviously gonna get displayed this year, hell, somebody famous might purchase a painting. You never know Cyn, but you can't doubt yourself before you even start."

Lisa was right I have gotten better since last year so I should have nothing to worry about. However, last year she said the same thing and I was confident that I was going to be displayed but I was wrong. And so was she.

"Well I hope this will be a better year for me." I sighed.

We silenced ourselves when the flight attendant did her thing. Soon after, the plane scraped off into the sky and we were off to California.

"Hey, you were rushing it today. You never told me why you were almost late so spill"

I instantly thought of the shitty day I was having before I got to the airport, from waking up three hours late, a car that refused to start, the snobby bitch at the front desk of my dad's office building, and almost forgetting my wallet at the café. Then his face floated along in my mind. I thought of the charmingly attractive guy I spilled coffee on earlier and felt my face turn a tinge of red. Lisa punched me in my arm.

"Oh my god you got laid didn't you?!?"

"What? Lisa, no! I ran into a guy and spilled hot coffee on his shirt."

She looked unamused.

"Please tell me was cute."


Her eyes widened.

"Tell me how it happened."

I told her how I just paid for my coffee when I checked the time on my phone. I ran out of the door and smashed into a tall French guy with an afro and she stopped me.

"Wait, French guy? What's a French guy doing in North Carolina?"

I shrugged my shoulders and continued.

"I apologized and he grabbed my face."

"Like rudely?"

She asked.

"No, like more romantic-ish He told me not to worry and that he was fine. He kept staring at me and I was getting nervous. I think he noticed because he looked super embarrassed and looked away from me. His eyes were just beautiful."

I trailed off. Lisa was screeching but only to where I could hear her.

"OMG. That's hot."

She winked at me.

"It's not like I'm going to see him again."

"You never know he could pop up in Cali."

She was right but thats a very slim chance of that happening. I guess I will never know until it happens.

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