part 8

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Jelle's POV
We didn't continue the thruth or dare, because no one wanted to play it anymore... Sanna and I sat down on the couch with Jordi and Azzy. Y/N and Josh sat to the other couch. Nobody talked in a while. Then Azzy bursted in laughter and we all looked at her.
Jordi: Azzy hey what now...?
Me: hee hee
Azzy: um, nothing sorry but i have an idea if i may say it
Josh: go ahead
Azzy: if you guys go and do f.ex. a video and us girls can go shopping or smthing
Josh: sounds legit to me
Me: nice
Jordi: k

Your POV
Omg, what a nice idea Azzy had. The guys got to film a q&a video. I don't need those anymore, I can ask what I need to know from them straight. But now, we got to the mall.
Azzy: lot of people here in Britain
Sanna: yeah
Me: i know
Azzy: are you a british citizen?
Me: yeah I made the test
Sanna: at least your english is good
Me: thanks
There were a lot of people who recognized Azzy, and after looking around a bit they recognized Sanna, and lastly me. Most of Josh's fans know me, because we've filmed a couple of videos together. We wrote endless autographs, took endless photos and got endless piles of fanmail that we had to deliver to our boyfriends.
Azzy: ugh what it is to step outside for a bit
Sanna: thousands of fans waiting
Me: yup

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