~ part 15 ~

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last part. 1000 words. enjoy.

Your POV

we had planned everything. band, food, guests. today is the day. our wedding.

the makeup artist arrived 9 am. i was really nervous. i had lots of makeup and i felt really heavy. my dress was pure white with silver sparkles. my dad was there and looked really proud. i hugged him.

me: dad, i'm so nervous
dad: it's going to go well, dear.

i sat on a chair and tried to calm myself down. my y/h/c hair was in a cute bun and i smiled. My friend (insert name) was with me. She smiled and hugged me too.

Josh's POV

My suit was a bit too small, but i can handle this. my hair was put with spray to some cute curls. i couldn't wait to see Y/N. I had told Jelly about the wedding and asked him to be my bestman. it didn't go well. he said we moved on too quick. it was a bad idea, jelly shouted. i got really sad. i asked Jordi then. he was really happy for me and angry at Jelly. now i'm sitting on a bench with him. i started crying slightly.

jordi: josh, what's wrong?
me: i'm just so... nervous.
jordi: it's gonna go well. y/n is a beautiful and kind girl. you're lucky to marry her.
me: thanks jordi. i just - jelly. i sent him an invite, because why not. he hasn't ansvered.
jordi: that dickhead... he should be happy for you.

My phone buzzes a little. a text from Sanna.

Sanna: hey Josh. i am coming to your wedding. not Jelle. i apologise for him.

Whoa. I did not expect that. Jordi also read the message and now looked at me in surprise.

Jordi: well, sanna is coming.
Josh: ye- yeah.

We left the conversation there. I stood up and raised my pants a bit. this suit is not really my size, at all. I suddenly felt really depressed. My closest friend didn't want to come to my wedding. I slapped my head with my hand and shivered a bit. No, I'm not going to be sad now. It's my wedding, for gods sake!

Your POV

Oh my gosh, it's really happening! I felt a slight shiver. i wasn't ready for this. But also i had waited for this ages. I walk down to the aisle, where Josh waits for me. He looks so adorable in his suit and his curly hair. I love Josh.

Josh's POV

Y/N looks so beautiful. I can't believe this is really happening. My wedding, my wedding, my wedding, f*cks sake!

I smiled at her. She smiled back. My face turned bright pink as my hands started to sweat. Oh my. I looked at the priest who was smiling too.

Priest: Are you, Joshua Robert Temple, going to take Y/N here to your beloved wife?
Me: yes.
Priest; And you, Y/N Y/S/N Y/L/N, will you take Joshua to be your husband?
Y/N: yes.

I put the ring to Y/N:s finger. It was bold and I saw her crying. The priest smiled and we kissed. The crowd started cheering and we turned around smiling to everyone, Y/N still sobbing a bit. We sat down on the table. People came to pat me in my back and making stupid wife jokes. This is the best day of my life.

Jordi: aww man, congrats.
Me: thanks, bro. I'm so happy
Y/N: thank you Jordi. I really appreciate your presence here.
Me: oh darling you don't need to use that fine language.
Y/N: haha, thank for coming Jordi.
Jordi: always here for bro.
Me: hahah...

Your POV

Josh put the ring on my finger and i started crying. He kissed me and... oh my. We turned around. I smiled still tears in my eyes. I followed Josh to our table and we sat down. Jordi came and we had a nice little chat. I cried to Josh's shoulder as he patted me on my back.

Josh: it's fine, darling. it's fine.
Me: i just love you!
Josh: me too babe, don't cry.
Me: don't ya dare to command me!

I let out a laugh and slapped Josh a bit.

Josh: aww just... i don't wanna see you being sad at such a beautiful moment.
Me: well, i'm crying because of this moment! i love you!
Josh: you already said that, hun...
Josh: i love you too darling... just, calm down, ok? we're married now!

My friend had come to see us. I whispered a few words to her. She went down to the kitchen. Soon we had several servitors walking by the tables, serving us food. I had said to Josh he'd decide the food. Well, let's see what he chose.

Me: pizza!?
Josh; yes!
Me: i gave the food for you to choose! and you chose PIZZA!?
Josh: i thought you liked pizza...
Me: yes i do! wonderful choice!
Josh: well, glad to hear.
Me: what's for dessert?
Josh: hehe, i chose... churros.
Me: all fast food?
Josh: we love fast food, don't we?
Me: a little bit different from other wedding food. do we have a cake?
Josh: yes, atleast i chose it. come and see.

He grabbed my hand and we walked down to the big table. A really high white and pink cake with decorations. And on the top... a snail!?!?

Me: A snail!??
Josh: don't worry, it's plastic.

''slogoman and slogowoman'' was written with red frosting. How cute. the lil snail on top... i started crying again.

me: aww, Josh, this is all so adorable!
Josh: thanks babe.

We kissed. The fifth time today. This was all so perfect. Pizza, cake... and all the guests. Too bad Jelly didn't show. But it's his problem, not ours.

''Honey, this is all so perfect. I love you.'' I said while hugging Josh. The best day of my life. The best.

The story is point 1000 words. i'm ending this story now. hope you enjoyed!

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