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Jungkook's Pov

Ring ring

Ring ring

I groan annoyed as I hear my phone ringing, my beauty sleep being disturbed. I shift my body to the right in the white bed and get my phone off of the brown small night stand.


"Where the hell are you?"

My father.

I sit up sighing as I don't want to speak to my dad. Definitely not after that restaurant day. Fuck that.

"Why do you care?"

Jimin turns to look at me, his eyes squinting due to the light in the room. He mouths "your father?" quietly and I nod.

"Jungkook your marriage is next week and you still don't know how it's going to be planned. I need you here right now we don't have much time."

Out of all the times it just had to be when me and Jimin are on a small vacation. But it's next week we still have time, I don't know why he's putting in his energy into stressing over it.

"And I assume Jimin is with you so we need the two of you back."

"Well dad that's unfortunate because we are in Japan so you'll have to a wait a day or two now goodbye."



Jimin sits up in the bed like me and he checks his phone. The blanket isn't covering his higher thighs so I can see them due to what he's wearing. He's wearing a baggy shirt with pajama shorts.

I look over and see messages on his lock screen. He immediately opens them and begins to type responding.

Not trying to be over protective but I lean closer to see the name of the contact.

It's his mom so I relax.

As he continues to type I hug him and rest my head against his shoulder. After a couple of seconds he finally stops texting and puts his phone down on the nightstand on his side of the bed.

"Sorry that was my mom, they want us back home."
I hear him sigh so I let go of him and turn his face to look at me.

"They're gonna have to wait."

He chuckles at me and gives me a peck on the cheek. His morning face is beautiful to wake up to every morning and I'm the luckiest person to get to experience that.

Cause he's mine and only mine.

I rub his blue hair roughly causing him to scrunch up his face and push my hand away. I smile amusingly as I watch him trying to fix his hair with a pout.

"You look like a mochi I fucking swear." I say as I pull him to my chest, a squeak leaving Jimin's lips in surprise.

I squeeze him tight and make us both lay back on the bed again.

The room has some light peeking in through the dark curtains. It covers the big window where the balcony is in this hotel room.

As my head lays against Jimin's chest, I shut my eyes and I listen to Jimin's heartbeat. My body is hugging his body not wanting this moment to end.

Jimin begins to play with my hair and I smile at the nice soothing feeling it gives. I can only be a soft guy if Jimin is around. He's my weakness and my happiness.

"Jungkook c-can I tell you something?" I hear his heartbeat fasten against his chest and I look up worried if something is wrong.

"Is something wrong?" He immediately shakes his head smiling a bit but I can see he's struggling to speak, as if he doesn't know how to start a sentence.

Jimin sits up and leans against the big headboard so it can support him. I sit up as well and face him, my eyes never leaving his face.

He takes a deep breath and he bites his bottom lip. He breaks eye contact with me and looks down nervously.

I can see he's thinking about something and so I wait until he's ready to speak.


I lift my eyebrow slowly getting impatient. I scoot closer to him and grab his thigh to support me moving. Then he looks down at my hand and gulps. I smirk internally knowing well that this gets him shy.

Then Jimin clears his throat getting ready to speak.

"Okay um I want to let you know that I think I love you....."

He looks down embarrassed and shy. His hair covers his eyes as he plays with the blanket to help calm himself.

I sit there frozen in my spot surprised. I did not expect it to be that at all. My heart beats faster and my stomach gets butterflies once he said the last few words of his sentence.

Then a smile spreads across my face once Jimin hesitantly looks up at me.

I grab his waist and pull him onto my lap causing him to gasp not expecting me to do that. I wrap both of my arms around his waist and connect my hands together to secure him.

I look up at Jimin, my eyes adoring him.

"I love you too."

I kiss him right after those words come out of my mouth. I can feel Jimin smile in the kiss as he wraps his arms around my neck.

I trail kisses down his neck and me moans quietly. I go down to his chest and suck on his milky skin. Jimin holds his breath as I suck more.

I pull away after a few seconds and look at the spot turning purple. I smile proudly knowing I'm the only one who can do this to him.

I bring Jimin into a kiss again and he plays with my hair. I moan at the feeling of his hands slowly moving through and gripping my hair.

I lean forward until Jimin's back is against the bed. His legs are spread so I'm in between them, our crotches touching each other.

He moans as I grind a bit against him.

The more I move, they more needy we both get. I can hear Jimin trying not to let out any noise but the pleasure doesn't let him.

"Mm m-more" he moans and I smirk at his submissiveness.

"As you wish baby."

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