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3rd Person Pov

Once the flight was steady in the dark night sky Jimin let's out a relieved sigh. Still, though, his nervousness is lingering inside his mind. He leans his back onto the soft seat as his head is turned to look out the small window.

The lights in the plane turned off and only a few personal lights for some seats were on. But overall, the whole plane was dark. Especially where him and Jungkook were seated at.

As Jimin looked out the window, admiring how the clouds and stars looked, Jungkook couldn't stop looking at him. His bottom lip cought in between his teeth.

Their little make out session about 10 minutes ago still replaying in Jungkook's mind. He tries to push away sexual thoughts as he feels his member twitch in his pants yearning for more, for Jimin.

There's an armrest in between the two boys which can be lifted up and put back in between the seats so it doesn't have to be in anyone's way. Jungkook pulls it up and pushes it back so he can have access to Jimin's legs without having something blocking his way.

Slowly, Jungkook's left hand slides off his own thigh and onto Jimin's. His index and middle finger both slip inside of the ripped part of Jimin's pants, touching his milky skin.

Jimin feels Jungkook's fingers move inside his rips rubbing his thigh, his chest rising up as he sucks in a breath. His eyes still looking out the window but his mind is focussed on his fiancé's touch.

Jungkook pushes his fingers deeper inside while feeling Jimin's thigh. The smooth skin against his fingers makes him smile knowing that Jimin's thighs are his and only his. If anyone else even tried to place their hands on either thigh he would chop them off with no hesitation.

He's serious about Jimin being only his possession.

"J-Jungkook what are you doing?" Jimin's voice is barely auditable as it came out as a whisper but Jungkook heard it clear. Jungkook's lips sheepishly turn into a smirk as he doesn't say anything, his fingers still inside Jimin's ripped pants.

Jungkook takes his fingers out and moves his hand higher up Jimin's thigh. His hand then grips Jimin tightly almost touching his crotch. This action causes Jimin to gasp quietly.

Oh how much Jungkook loves the affect he has on the shorter boy.



Jimin furrows his eyebrows and looks at Jungkook. He doesn't want to have an erection on the plane. Yes they can help each other in the bathroom like last time but that's honestly a lot of work since he would have to get up. Plus it would be a bit painful to get up and walk with his hard member being tucked away uncomfortably.

Other than that, someone could be waiting outside of the bathroom door and would hear everything from the outside. Pretty awkward once they would have to walk out and face that waiting person outside knowing already what they had done inside.

Jimin bites his lip as Jungkook's hand rests on top of Jimin's clothed member. Quickly, he shoves his arm off and crosses his legs definitely knowing he would get hard.

Jungkook chuckles lowly.

"What's the matter Jiminie?"

Jimin gives Jungkook a glare, even if he can't see it in the dark, and then looks back out the window.

Jimin tries to calm his erotic hormones not wanting to have to deal with his hard member on a plane again. Even though he wants to have fun he's a little nervous still, not fully comfortable with the plane flight.

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