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Jungkook's Pov

I kick Jimin's leg under the table to get his attention after our waitress leaves. He quickly turns his head to me and gives me an expression full of confusion.

I roll my eyes at him.

How can he be so oblivious??

That waitress was clearly flirting with him. All those smiles and glances she gave him. It was so obvious was it not?

I sigh and I tell my dad that I need to talk to Jimin in the restroom. His mother and my father both look at me confused.

"It's just a quick talk about something." I say trying to not sound too annoyed.

"Make sure to come back before the food arrives." My father says as he gets up for me to slide out of the booth.

Mrs. Park does the same for Jimin and he smiles at her saying that it's alright. Once both of us are out I grab his wrist and walk to the bathroom.

When we enter and I immediately push him up against the wall.

"W-what's the matter?" Jimin asks not knowing why I'm acting like this.

"You're mine you got it?" I say madly as I stare into his eyes. What gets me even more mad is that Jimin laughs at me.

"Is it because of the waitress??" He asks as his laugh calms down.

So he isn't oblivious then.

"Answer my question first." I say sternly and he sighs.

"Yes okay I'm only yours now let's go before someone walks in." Jimin says as he quickly turns around trying to hide the blush in his cheeks.

I smirk knowing he isn't slick at all.

I pull his left arm before he gets to push the bathroom door open and he crashes into my chest. A gasp leaving his lips.

I tilt his chin upwards and I kiss him.

He doesn't kiss until a second later which makes it obvious how he didn't expect that move of me to do.

We kiss for a few seconds until he pulls away and hits my chest playfully.

"Don't act like you didn't like it." I say smirking.

"Who said I didn't?" Jimin says as he quickly walks out of the bathroom leaving me to smirk to myself.

After walking out of the restroom we reach the table right when the food got there.

Seulgi moves out of the way for Mrs. Park and my father to get up so me and Jimin can slide into our seats. Once we all are seated she begins placing the foods onto our table.

I chuckle as Jimin has heart eyes for his food once she places it in front of him.

Then she places my food in front of me. I don't even look at her or else I might kill her with my glare.

"Is there anything else you guys might want to order?" Seulgi looks at everyone smiling which causes me to give her a poker face. Mrs. Park and my father both shake their heads so she glances at Jimin and then goes away.

Jimin didn't even notice, though, because he's already digging into his food.

So I do the same as our parents talk about business with wine glasses in their hands.

Jimin's Pov

"I'm so full." I say as I lean back onto the seat I'm sitting on.

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