Chapter 5

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Bang Chan
Sorry I couldn't make it TT
My girlfriend is being so moody,
I gotta accompany her

The fact that Chan's text replicates the exact same thing he said yesterday is making her head hurt.

Poor girl has gotten lightheaded just from witnessing the weird situation during the lecture with Jungkook. He basically repeated all the things he has told her before; how he believed in these soulmate ideas since young, and the phenomena that people might experience when they meet their fated ones.

Lee Hanseol
What exactly happened?

Bang Chan
She doesn't like me hanging
out with other girls
as usual

Though Han altered her response a little bit, Chan still replied in the exact same manner as he did yesterday, and it is freaks the poor girl out.

Lee Hanseol
Ok so, you're ditching me?

Bang Chan
I know I shouldn't be doing this
But I have to

Bang Chan
She's being extra moody today
for some reason TT

Lee Hanseol
Okay. I understand.
I'll explore around alone

Bang Chan
Thx for understanding!
You're the best, Hannah :'))))

Bang Chan
I'll sneak out some other time to
treat you great meals, okay?

Lee Hanseol
Alright :)

Some of the events that have occurred today are a duplicate of what happened yesterday, and though there are some alterations, the end result would always be the same.

What is happening? Nothing comes to her mind when she thinks about the events she has experienced so far; her thinking keeps on going nowhere until she finds herself once again, arriving at the exhibition.

The number of people at the place look somehow similar as well, many students, especially girls, family members but also elders and children. It is just as crowded and she remembers.

After looking at a few art pieces, Han finds herself standing in front of the beautiful sculpture again. As she takes out her phone to snap a picture, that familiar figure jumps into the frame.


Her mind gets even more stressed to see how Hyunjin keeps on jumping in and out to check the pictures that his friend, Seungmin, takes. He's wearing the exact same school uniform and a pair of black converses, and it applies to Seungmin too.

"How's it, Seungmin?" He asks as Han recalls the way he wanted his pictures to be perfect.

And Seungmin compliments him for being photogenic as expected.

Han watches the two of them closely while her brain tries to process the familiar situation; particularly on Hyunjin. Unfortunately though, he catches her staring as he raises his brows at the girl.

The two have an impromptu staring contest until Seungmin comes in all of a sudden to break the ice. "I'm so sorry for my friend." He flashes Han an apologetic smile, thinking that her reason for staring at Hyunjin is due to his behaviour when it actually isn't.

"You've gotten enough pictures, Hyunjin. We can't stay here forever."

"But what's point of taking pictures with no good results?" He asks his friend back, then looks at Han, who is still putting on an unreadable expression due to the mixed feelings she's currently experiencing.

"What? Can't you wait for a bit?"

The exact same sentence as well. Han sighs, feeling too overwhelmed to even bother replying to Hyunjin. She shakes her head and turns her body away from the sculpture, heading to the exit, not saying anything in response to the boy's question.




Upon arriving home, Han finds her little brother sitting on the sofa, playing his favourite console as his mood is somewhat dark. She bites her lips upon the view; seeing that he's playing the exact same game with the exact same character.

"Hi." Han weakly greets him and plops down next to him, "How was your day?"

"Shh, stop distracting me." He mutters, as he tries to hard to beat the enemy. In a span of 2 minutes, Felix growls in his deep voice, making her jump on her seat, "HOW IS HE STILL ALIVE AFTER RECEIVING 192% DAMAGE?!"

His character dies just like how he did yesterday; accidentally falling off the map first before his opponent.


On the other hand, Han shifts uncomfortably in her seat, wondering what to do next.

Should I act dumb or be straightforward?

At the moment, she was supposed to be asking why he's in a bad mood. But Han can already predict what happened to her little brother, so it is also weird to follow the script.

"Sis." He starts, which is so different from yesterday. Her eyes light up upon the change and enthusiastically come closer to him, "Yeah? Did something happen?"

Felix turns to Han and pulls her into a hug, not to mention, places his chin on her shoulders.

Han becomes frozen on the spot, feeling discouraged after the event repeats itself. Nevertheless, she ruffles his hair and asks him if he got rejected.

And just like how it is supposed to be, the whole conversation is similar to what she has experienced. Felix asks about her day as well in return, and she retells the story about him, being inconsiderate at the exhibition.

In the end, they both have ramen and Felix asks if he could sleep with Han tonight. He doesn't forget to bring his plushes too, and lines them up properly on the bed as a border.

This. Is. Killing. Me. Han's expression hardens—she can't believe the fact that she can't even relax at night; the time where she can sleep and forget all her worries and stress.

"You really don't act like yourself today. Is something wrong?" Felix's questions, which surprises the girl in a good way. This isn't in the script!

Han turns to him and shakes her head in assurance, "I didn't get enough sleep. Nothing happened. Don't worry about it."

"You sure?"

She smiles at the younger one and gives him a light nod, "110% sure."

Felix pouts at her as he pats on one of his plushes lightly, "If you say so. If there's anything you want to talk about, you can always rely on me, you know? There's a reason why we're siblings, Hannah."

Felix's sentences give her a sense of comfort and reassurance—maybe there isn't anything weird going on, Han thought. Maybe it's just her, feeling déjà vu but that's it. The world is probably not abnormal as she previously thought.

"Okay. I'll tell you if something's up, yeah? Thanks for worrying, Yongbok." She grins and turns to the other side of the bed, as she can feel how he lowkey groans at the way she addresses him.

"This is what I get for being nice?" 



It's 15 days after Chinese New Year right here! Such a huge celebration and I could see people doing lion and dragon dances sdjfkshdfj

I know I'm late but I'm sorry if there r some typos here and there! :(

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