Chapter 7

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Bang Chan
Sorry I couldn't make it TT
My girlfriend is being so moody,
I gotta accompany her

Han frowns as she stares at her phone, knowing how this is gonna come.

Lee Hanseol
Your gf is being possessive
again I see

Bang Chan
...She's not possessive

Bang Chan
She doesn't like me hanging
out with other girls
as usual

Lee Hanseol
Chris, you should really stop
dating her, seriously

Bang Chan
:( that isn't the solution...

Bang Chan
I know u don't like her,
but please understand
her this time

Lee Hanseol
Ugh, I have warned you

Lee Hanseol
Don't come to me the next time
you get into trouble >:(

Bang Chan
Thx for understanding!
You're the best, Hannah :'))))

Bang Chan
I'll sneak out some other time to
treat you great meals, okay?

Lee Hanseol

Han sways her legs back and forth as she watches the people around her, looking for seats on the bus. She decides to come a little late today, to see any changes in events.

As Han arrives at the same exhibition, she lets out a small sigh of relief after not seeing any signs of Hyunjin and Seungmin. But the girl apparently celebrated too early, as she then catches them taking pics near the same sculpture.

She crosses her arms and watches the two boys, wearing the exact same uniform and shoes as she expected. She distances herself a little further from them while keeping them at sight, hoping that the same events won't repeat.

Hyunjin and Seungmin finally walk away from the sculpture, as the latter notice how people are dying to take pictures as well. It brings Han a small, good laugh. In the end, Hyunjin is still being inconsiderate—and it's Seungmin who's sharply aware of the surroundings.

The two boys leave the area, and move to another room, finally disappearing from the girl's view. She lets out the breath that she had been holding unconsciously and place her palm on her chest. I have not interacted with any of them today, things better change. She sighs.




Han's frown soon appears when she sees her little brother and his exact same game, character, and way of seating in the living room of the apartment. The girl takes off her shoes and goes to the kitchen to grab a drink. She turns on the switch to boil some hot water, only to earn a small yell from Felix.

"Shh, stop distracting me." He says, referring to the sound of the water boiling. Oh Lord. Seeing how the events turn out, Han proceeds to close her ears, knowing that he's gonna growl about his game at any given time.


After the small yell, she uncovers her ears and makes herself a cup of hot chocolate, making sure that an extra cup is also made for Felix, who has been grunting throughout the whole game.

Han places the two mugs on the coffee table as Felix's eyes brighten up to see the small treat, "Is this mine?"

The older one nods, making the boy smile and hurriedly sip on the hot drink. He lets out an 'ahhhh' with some stains on his lips, making her laugh. "Clumsy." She says, sipping on her drink.

"It's normal to get stains." He defends and waits for her until she places her mug on the table. Han raises her brows at his action, lifting her chin lightly to ask what's going on.

Felix's lips curves downwards, then he proceeds to hug her and place his chin, particularly on her shoulder again. Han ruffles his hair as she usually would do, and could only smile helplessly, knowing where this is heading to.

"Your crush likes someone else, doesn't he."

Felix breaks the hug instantly and points at her with his mouth hanging wide, "H-H-How did you kn-know?!"

"I'm a psychic." Han jokes, though she's feeling dead inside. The fact that things are reoccurring again, is making her so stressed out. But she has been trying to keep her composure as nice as possible to avoid burdening Felix—especially when this is basically his 3rd time getting rejected.

And just like the events that have occurred twice, they both end up staying in Han's room, with Felix's plushes nicely lined up as usual. The siblings had a small chit chat till quite late, which she also expects to happen.

"Goodnight." Felix yawns, but tries his best to give the older one his pretty smile even after how his day had been. Han chuckles at his effort and pinches his cheeks lightly, "Goodnight to you too bro. Rest up, okay? So that you'll be fully energized tomorrow."

"Yes ma'am." He salutes and rolls away from her in an attempt to sleep.

Han then rolls away too, but decides to face the plain ceiling above her later on, letting out a small sigh.

After all the things that have happened, and how abnormal her surroundings are, Han's instincts keep on telling her weird possibilities. It's almost as if I'm trapped in an alternate universe, or whatever Jungkook told me about. What does it have something to do with it again? Soulmates?

Oh wait.


Author's Note: Aight, so the real action starts next chapter! :D I'm sorry if I'm prolonging it for too long HAHAHA

By the way it's been a while since I updated! I'm sorry for being busy this lately, my university is starting soon soooo :( JSKDLFHSJF

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