Song: Gone- Katrina stuart
"...And another day is gone
tell me how to carry on
people ask me what I need
but all I want is you and me
don't you know how good it feels
when you're with me in my dreams
and I don't wanna be awake, ever since you went away..."
It was the middle of the night and Finn was woken up by silent sobbing coming from beside him. He rolled over and saw Rey sitting in bed, her arms wrapped around her knees and a blanket thrown loosely over her shoulders. In her hand she held a black leather glove- Ben's glove. Her eyes were red and puffy as if she'd been crying for a long time already. Finn sighed and sat up slowly. Rey raised her head and looked at him with wide opened, but tired eyes. "I'm sorry..." she mumbled silently. Finn shook his head. "Don't apologise... It's not your fault I wake up as soon as I hear the faintest noise." he said slightly ironic. But Rey didn't even show a sign of a smile, tears just kept running down her face. Finn eyed her worriedly. She hadn't slept at all ever since Ben died...

She had never mentioned it but you could clearly see from the tired look on her face and the dark rings underneath her eyes. Finn wanted to help her as much as he possibly could but he soon had to discover that there wasn't much he could do for her except forgiving her for not really paying attention in their conversations and- well waking up him, Poe or Rose with the sound of her soft crying in the middle of the night.

He sighed and shook his head slightly. "Rey... you need sleep." he said softly. Rey glared at him. "Great job finding that out, sherlock!" she then replied in a silent and weak voice. But before Finn  could even respond to that, she added: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I was upset with you... I know you just want to help..." Finn gave her a warm smile and went over to her, putting his hand onto her shoulder. "You apologise way too much. You're my friend, Rey- possibly even my best friend. And friendship means being there for each other, even in difficult situations. Just know that you can count on me. Always." Rey's lower lip was trembling and her eyes teared up even more. "Thank you Finn... it really means a lot to me having friends like you, Poe...Rose- you guys are the best." She let her head fall onto his shoulder and after a while, Finn could feel her breathing calming down and her body relaxing. He smiled relieved and carefully put her down onto her mattress and grabbed the blanket to put it over her body. She looked peaceful sleeping like that, something that Finn hadn't seen on her face for a very, very long time- well basically only a month; ever since he died- Ben Solo, Kylo Ren, the one who tried to finish what Darth Vader started, whatever you want to call him...

After Rey had returned from Exegol alone, they didn't dare to ask what had happened to Ren. But when Rey still didn't talk about it after a whole week had passed, they decided to ask her. The look she had given them was one of utter shock, sadness and even...regret. "He- he" she had lowered her eyes and continued to speak in a silent,trembling voice. "He didn't make it...He sacrificed his life to save mine... I-I thought he would just be able to come home with me and live here with us, but-" a tear had run down her face. "I was wrong..." she had turned away from them and left without another word and when they still hadn't seen her that evening, they went looking for her only to find her on coruscant, unconscious on the ground of the burnt down jedi library, one of the few books the fire had  spared in her right hand and her left one laying on her heart. They had brought her back to the resistance camp to have her examined by doctors. She was perfectly alright physically- it was the stress and her lack of will to live that had taken the better of her. Finn had been sitting beside her bed for hours during the six days that she was passed out and all he could do was hope that she would eventually wake up again.And  She did. No one knew how or why, but then again; everyone was just happy that she was back. C3P0 had mentioned something to Finn once that may have explained Rey's sudden change of state. "You see, passed away jedi always have the possibility of returning to their loved ones in the form of a spirit people refer to as force ghosts. Kylo Ren died a jedi according to what master Rey has told us. There is a possibility that he spoke to her while she was passed out and that whatever he said to her suddenly made her will to live return...or at least for some time... I can't really feel it from her anymore to be honest." Finn had kept silent and just stared into the distance while listening to the droid, then he had gotten up and left to talk to Rose. He had never seen an actual force ghost himself so he didn't really know whether to believe that they were real or not, but he hoped- for Rey's sake not his own- that Ren would find a way to return to her. He couldn't stand to see Rey in this sad, tired state anymore. He wanted the old Rey back, the one who always knew how to make everyone feel better by throwing jokes all around her, the happy and cheery person he had once met back on Jakku.

His thoughts were all over the place, as he got back under his blanket and closed his eyes to go back to sleep. For some reason now, he had trouble to find his sleep. He kept throwing himself from side to side in bed, before he eventually gave up and just remained laying on his back and staring at the stars twinkling above him through the cracks in the ceiling. The sound of heavy footsteps quickly approaching and muffled voices made him snap out of his dreamy state. He looked around, reaching for Poe's torch in the darkness but before he could grab it, the door opened and the Wookie Chewbacca entered together with the two droids R2D2 and BB8. Finn was beyond confused. "Shhh- please be quiet, Rey is sleeping. Something that's really rare these days, so we've got to honor it." he managed to say in a hushed voice. BB8 answered in his typical beeping tones and that's when Finn realized they needed Rey if they wanted to get an actual conversation going that wasn't built on him trying to guess what either of his opponents was saying. He sighed. "It can't be important enough to wake her up in the middle of the night when she's literally sleeping for the first time in forever...right?!" He asked. Chewbacca shook his head and went over to Rey, shaking her with his big, furry  hands. Finn was gonna stop him, but Rey had already woken up. She looked really confused, when she saw the Wookie standing beside her. "Chewi?" she groaned and set up. "Is everything alright?" The wookie made a sound that sounded like the one of an animal to Finn, but Rey could understand what he was saying. She knitted her brows, grabbed her lightsaber from beside her and followed the droids and the wookie outside.

A lot of people were standing around outside already, when they reached the middle of the camp. "Rey!" someone shouted. "Rey, what are we gonna do?" "What is going to happen?" Rey ignored them and followed Chewbacca to the millennium falcon. Finn felt like he wasn't needed for whatever they were gonna do, so he stayed where he was. Poe came rushing at him soon after, looking as if he'd just fallen out of bed which was basically exactly what had happened after Finn, Rey, Chewi and the droids had left. "Finn! What's going on here, bud?" Poe wanted to know confused. Finn shrugged. "There's a whole  fleet of ships approaching, but we don't know whether they're our friends or enemies." Rose, who had appeared from beside them, said. Everyone was looking at the sky. The millennium falcon with Chewi and Rey was now approaching the ships, while Rose, Poe and Finn made their way to the control centre of the resistance camp to get in contact with the two of them if anything went wrong. Little did they know that they wouldn't be able to get in contact with Rey or Chewi for a long time...
:') my bbys deserved better!
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, tell me if you have any tips on how to improve my writing (I'm really bad at it that's why I'm asking xD)
-sorry if there's any grammar or spelling mistakes me is a 🤡

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