Lord and Lady

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I wanted to evesdrop, but I knew that they would be able to sense me if I had. So I wandered the mannor, heading back to the gardens once again after getting bored of looking at the old paintings on display.

"Sebby did something interesting." Grell's voice whispering into my ear. I turned to see the red haired reaper smiling devilishly at my side.

"You were evesdropping?"
"Of course, besides its not like you didn't want to and i figured you might like the information I acquired."

I raised an eyebrow questioningly prodding him to go on.

"Seems like Sebby had a master before Ceil but she was taken before he could take her soul. Poof gone without a trace. His contract with her must still stand, and it seems my darling Gina that you might be her."

Impossible, that couldn't be right. I couldn't remember my time from before Drocell but there was no way I could have made a contract with Sebastian. Why would I ever need to?

Within a blink of an eye Grell was facedown on the floor and agitated look on Sebastin's face as he smushed Grell's into the ground.

"You really can't shut up, can you. Stupid reaper, should I fix that mouth of yours?" He chuckled as Grell struggled to push him off.

"Is what Grell said true? Was I your master perviously before your contract?"

Sebastian took his foot off of Grell and knelt down in front of me like a knight would to the princess they served.

"You were, my lady." His voice seemed to lower at the last part, as if he was waiting to say those two words. Excited, overwhelmed and yet because he was a butler composed.

"If you served me before hand, where were you when I needed you? Where were you when I was taken."

His red eyes bored into mine, a wave of nausea passed over me.

"I thought you were dead. I couldn't sense your soul any longer so I terminated the contract. You can imagine my surprise when you showed up and whats more gave your soul to someone else. I'm quite hurt actually."

"You're hurt?" I scoffed. "For a demon that seems highly un likely."

"You seem upset? Have I done anything to upset you?"

"How powerful was our contract for it to still have an effect on you?"

"Very powerful, the price for your soul was emotion driven by many. Where revenge is weak, love is strong. And you my darling Gina sold your soul to be loved."

"What? Your joking right?"

"I don't joke." Sebastian moved to cup my cheeks, his hands cold against my skin as he scanned my face for any displeasure. "Now shall I pick up where we left off that night you were taken?"

I pushed him away as harshly as I could. Although it did 't seem to have much of an effect, making Sebastian sway slightly instead of falling to the floor like I intended.

"We will do nothing of the sort.I can't picture Ceil would be too happy if we did anything, not that I would even consider it."

"Harsh much don't you think my Lord?"

Sebastian turned to the entrance of the garden, Ceil stood running his hands over a bush looking rather bored before he looked up a cool gaze set on the butler.

"Not harsh enough actually. Now I don't want to know any of the intimate things you two have done however, Sebastian I expect you to follow my orders and mine alone from now on. We will never have another mishap like today, you serve me and you protect me only. I am your master for eternity, don't you dare forget that again."

Sebastian eyes shifted between me and Ceil before he moved to crotch at Ceil's feet bowing to him like he had to me previously. In a dark tone his voice smoothly utter three words that brought a smirk to Ceil's face.

"Yes my Lord."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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