Chapter Four: Transferring Command

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Everything was dark as I slowly opened my eyes and faced the ceiling of my room. It was then when I felt something scurry across my chest and I looked down to see my bedsheets rustle as small lump sat on my chest. The lump then moved up my chest towards the opening in the sheets and I felt as sweat rolled down my forehead, I felt as my breathing grew shorter. Then a furry head popped out from underneath the covers and I felt my body move on its own as I jerked backwards in my bed. A massive pain shot through the back of my head as I hit the headboard.

"Owe..." I murmured as I rubbed the back of my head, my head throbbed immensely.

"Fou?" Was all I heard in response.

"Tch, Four you almost gave me a heart attack..." I said stilling rubbing the back of my head where it throbbed and I looked up too see Four's head sticking out from underneath my bed sheets. Four let out a yawn apparently unconcerned that he almost gave me a concussion. I watched as the rest of the furry white creature emerged out from underneath the covers and jumped down from my bed. I saw the outline of Four trot his way towards the door having apparently done what he came here for.

"Next time I'll make sure I lock my door!" I said shaking my fist at him. "I already have enough problems in my life and I don't need you to be another one Four!!!" I exclaimed. Four paid me no mind as the door swooshed open and he disappeared into the hallway. The door swooshed shut once Four exited, plunging the room back into darkness. "If he accompanies us to the next singularity, this time I'll make sure we leave him there." I murmured as I lowered my head back down onto my pillow.

A few moments passed me by since that life threatening encounter with Four. In those moments I laid there in bed staring at the ceiling determining whether or not I wanted to go back to sleep or get up. I closed my eyes for a moment before I opened them and made up my mind. Pushing myself upright with my elbows, I pulled back the covers and swung around in my bed. Once my feet touched the ground they felt their way around in the dark until I slid my feet into my shoes. My hand made its way over to my nightstand which lit up as it grew nearer, and I tapped a button on the illuminated panel, light flooded my eyes as the rooms lights turned on. I lifted my hand up to my mouth as I yawned and then proceeded to rub my eyes. Sleep aside I pushed myself off the bed and made my way over to the closet by the door. The door slid open and I pulled my shirt over my head tossing it into the suitcase at the bottom. Reaching up I grasped a white collared shirt and slid into it comfortably, I buttoned up and reached up grabbing a black suit jacket where I proceeded to do the same. I took off my shoes and changed into a pair of suit pants, and then put my shoes back on. Once all that had been said and done I stood there adjusting the cuffs of my shirt. I looked around the room and I noticed the absence of a certain hostile presence in the room. Scathach and I had not talked since our chess game, which had been a few days since now. However even then she could usually been found here.

"Where is she?" I murmured as I did a three hundred and sixty degree circle looking around the room. Sure enough there was no sign of her to be found. What does it matter Chris? She hates you anyway, it would be better if both of you didn't speak to one another. Scathach has already made it quite clear she wasn't interested in speaking with you. But even still she had been willing to hear me out over that chess game. That was likely just a rare exception though. "Yes it was just best if we left each other alone, our relationship should be strictly professional and worked related. That way neither one of us ends up murdering the other and by that I mean that way I don't get murdered." I thought to myself as I looked down at my hand, curling it into a fist, and then I looked back up. After I brushed my teeth I made my way over to the door and reached over tapping a button on the door panel. The door slid open and revealed a familiar face that I had not seen for some while.

"Why hello there Christopher, long time no see!" Doctor Da Vinci exclaimed with a wave of the hand. My hand immediately reached over and tapped the panel again, the door swooshed closed in Doctor Da Vinci's face. "HEY!"

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