Chapter Twenty Five: Into The Fray

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We had been heading north along the coastal road for quite some time now, but Rome was still not quite yet in sight. I was beginning to wonder if we really were heading the right way...

"I still can't believe you said something so cliché..." I heard Scathach murmuring under her breath from my side and looked over to see her shaking her head.

"Are you still going on about that Lancer?" I asked.

"Yes! Only you could say something so stupid!" Scathach replied and I let out of a sigh.

"I said it because I thought it would be something amusing to say given our current circumstances." I stated.

"You always have something amusing to say." Scathach said. "Or some sort of commentary or tit bit that you feel the need to add." Scathach added as she faced forward.

"Well yeah I do Lancer." I said as I looked back at her. "If I didn't say anything cheerful to brighten the mood then we would be left with the depressing atmosphere that hovers over you, either that or we'd get one of your history lessons." I stated bluntly which earned me a scornful look from Scathach as she narrowed her eyes at me. A vein popped on the back of her head as she crossed her arms seemingly pissed off at me. What else was new though? I stormed off ahead leaving Scathach behind, feeling a bit annoyed.

I didn't make it far before I heard someone's hurried footsteps coming from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Mashu rushing to catch up with me. Mashu slowed down once she had caught up with me and met my pace, now walking side by side.

"Were you and Lancer arguing again?" Mashu inquired looking up at me.

"Nah..." I said shaking my head. "Her and I were just bickering about something stupid again." I told her and Mashu let out a chuckle.

"Bickering is just another word for arguing Senpai." Mashu said.

"... Yeah I guess you're right." The light hearted mood dimmered as a frown encroached upon Mashu's lips.

"I wish that you and Lancer would get along Senpai..." Mashu stated. Mashu's frown must be infectious as I soon found myself frowning too, and I faced forward in response.

"I know Mashu, I know." I replied. "But every time I try talking with Lancer, I seem to just make things worse." I said.

"I see..." Mashu murmured cupping her chin. "Have you tried giving her a hug?" Mashu suggested and my eyebrows almost shot off my forehead.

"Uh No Mashu, I don't think that would go well..." I said wincing in reply.

"Why not? Everyone loves hugs Senpai!" Mashu exclaimed. Vivid images of being impaled through the chest came to mind at the thought of hugging Scathach.

"Not everyone does Mashu, and especially not Lancer." I said and Mashu furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"How do you know that?? Lancer is just as human as you are, you know!" Mashu exclaimed as she pouted out her cheeks. "And everyone needs a hug every now and then." Mashu added wagging her finger at me.

"It's just a gut feeling I have..." I said as I looked over my shoulder, gazing at Scathach. Scathach still had her arms crossed from earlier and she seemed to be staring blankly out over the ocean. I watched as Jeanne pushed her way past Scathach, seemingly ignoring Jeanne's actions just now even though she had brushed up against her, and instead keeping her gaze over the ocean with a blank expression. "...Things will work them self out eventually Mashu." I said as I returned my attention to Mashu.

"If you say so Senpai..." Mashu murmured. Mashu didn't look very convinced however, and I didn't blame her. I had been saying things would sort themselves out for years now, but nothing ever actually changed between Scathach and I. I just didn't know what to do at this point...

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