Oh Sweet Sugar Honey Iced Tea

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Groaning I snuggled into the warm soft muscle that was currently lying next to me and away from the firm hand that was currently trying to shake me awake. "Leaveh me aloneeeeee" I murmur. The shaking stopped for a second and then the blob of muscle moved, chuckling a bit as he began to Shake me also. A low growl-like noise sounded in my throat and I began thrashing around in the bed as the warm hand began to tickle me and preceded to get me tangled in the sheets.

"I'm going to flipping flap jacking kill you Jason Roosevelt Pentl-" I cut off from my crazy rant to see a very surprised Nick and my brother laughing his bum off in the corner of an extremely nice room. Sitting back on the creme colored bed I admired the silky black sheets and the fancy bar in the corner.

"You hungry?" The Greek god of a man named Nicolas Brimmington asked quietly.

Slowly I nodded my head and he chuckled that same deep rumble that sent chills down my spine and warmth to my core. Gosh I'm a flipping creeper.

Like a small kitten I patted the bed before curling back up in it.

A series of "Awes" echoed throughout the room and I peeked one eye open seeing six people crowded around the bed I was currently in.

Jace, Ethan, Jake, John, Nick, and Hailey (Johns' GF/mate) all were staring holes into my head.

"I'm getting up, I'm up" I grumbled, to which they all laughed at as I slowly slid out of the large bed.

Once I was up they all dispersed and went about cleaning the room. I decided to explore a bit. The bedroom I was in was extremely large and beautifully furnished. There were rosewood dressers and a huge glass wall window that looked out at a magnificently bright town.

The bed was in the middle and there was a walk in closet to the right of the bed. There was another door branching off to the bathroom that had marble tiles and a bath that could fit two obese people in. Also there was a glass shower. Carefully I stripped down and turned on the water on to the warmest it would go without scalding me. I enjoyed the gentle pounding on my back as I let the water loosen me up.

Slowly bending down I gently rubbed up my leg checking for stubble. As usual none. I chuckled quietly, admiring the feel of the water running down my back as I began soaping up. I rubbed and lathered all the key parts and rinsed before finally stepping out.

There was a set of clean clothes on the counter that I was positive I didn't put there. Blushing fiercely at the thought of Mr. Handsome seeing me, naked... Quickly I shook the thought from my mind and hurriedly got dressed before walking out of the steamy bathroom.

The double doors led to a laughably large living room, where everyone was waiting for me. Surprisingly Angel was curled up on Jace, taking a long nap. Whenever she got here, I have no idea.
Nick came languidly strutting into the room towards me. My brothers' narrowed eyes followed him like a hawks. Internally I rolled my eyes.

This trip was so





"Still hungry Peaches?" he question staring at me with his amber flecked
Brown Eyes that seemed to penetrate my very being.

"Very very much so," I giggled honestly.

"Wanna go get something, with me, to eat? I know a great little dinner close to here." he chuckled and took my hand in his gently. Entwining our fingers I smiled up at him and nodded blushing furiously as I feel my brothers eyes on us the whole time.

They stood up coming over to me, glaring at Nick. Before they could open their mouth I shushed them "No, I'm going. Stop being such weirdos! I can take care of myself. If you were gonna treat me like this then why the six years of boxing, karate, and self defense classes?" I asked scowling up at them. "Exactly" I huffed quickly walking away, pulling Nick with me. I guess the shower didn't quite get rid of my morning grumpiness, or maybe it's because I'm starving and sleepy.

I looked up at Nick as we headed towards the elevator. "Can I have a piggy back ride?" I ask quietly giving him my best puppy dog pout while widening my eyes a wee bit.

His eyes glowed mischievously down at me for a few seconds and then I was up on his shoulders. His warm hands rubbing soft circles on my legs causing small tingles to shoot up and to my core.

"Better?" Nick chuckled and I nodded, resting my chin on top of his head.

"What are we gonna eat" I questioned as he walked us through an impressive lobby.

"How about muffins and some coffee or tea?" he suggested to which I began nodding in excitement

"I love chocolate, chocolate chip muffins. So deliciously sweet and melts on the tongue. Mmmh" I moaned a little at the end thinking of it.

"Chocolate chocolate chip" he repeated smiling over his shoulder at me. I nodded and noticed the valet, who Nick was currently conversing with. I smiled down at the small guy. He reminded me of my friend back home. A wave a sadness hit me as I remembered all the late night laughs and cuddles we shared together. snapping myself from my lamenting I began my gradual descent. Crawling from his shoulders I let him open my door and watched him causally walk to his.

Oh sweet sugar honey iced tea, I needa call my bestie ASAP.

Sweet sugar

Was our way of swearing, gosh I miss him. Frowning slightly, as the cafe came into view and a non wavering stare began boring holes in my head.

"What's wrong princess?" He asked sincerely taking my hand In his and kissing the knuckles gently.

"Nothing" I murmur trying to pull my hand from his, to no avail.

"Don't lie princess, it's rude" his grip tightened and I winced slightly.

"Sorry," I shrugged "I miss a friend.... Can we eat now, please?"

He nodded and for the next two hours I got to know Nick. The fun loving, silly, egotistical, smart Alec, lovable, courageously funny man. A man who could quite possibly be the man of my dreams.



I know it's just kinda filler-ish but nxt chappie should be... smut-ishy?

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