For Christmas Eve Jay helps Rose hang her lights around her room which can be there all year and I wrap presents. Rose did nice decorating. The tree looks beautiful. Jay wrapped his presents last night. I put mine under the tree and Rose asks if we can make cookies. I smile and hear a knock on the door. Jay answers it and I help make cookies. Nolan walks into the kitchen with no shirt and sweatpants on.
"Looks good." Nolan says to Rose. She smiles and blushes.
"My little sissy!" I hear behind me and I'm I the air. I kick around laughing.
"Put me down!" I yell. I hug Nick and He looks at Rose.
"My little niece!" He says and hugs her. I see daddy and jump into his arms. He squeezes me.
"How's my little girl doing?" He ask.
"Great." I say.
"How are you?" He asks Rose.
"Good. Daddy helped me put up lights in my room want to see?" She asks and pulls him to her room before he even answers. So much like me. Make the cookies and let Rose cut the cookies with Cookies cutters. Nolan helps her when I go the door. I take a deep breath and open the door. Mom and Rob stand there.
"Hi." I say.
"Hello." She says. I let them in and they sit presents by the tree. I see flour go across the room.
"Nolan!" Rose yells.
"Ha ha!" He yells back. I run into the kitchen and its white.
"Nolan and Rose!" I yell. They point at each other.
"He did it! She did it!" They both yell at the same time.
"Clean this up!" I say. Mom walks into the room and looks at Rose.
"Who are you?" She snaps at her.
"I should be asking you." Rose says crossing her arm as I sit her on the counter. Nolan puts his head under the water.
"I'm Jordan's Mom." She says.
"Well I'm her daughter." Rose says.
"What?" Mom says.
"Me and Jay adopted her." I say and clean her face.
"Meanie." Nolan says sticking his tongue out at Rose. She does it back.
"Who are you." Mom asks him.
"Her sex buddy." Nolan say and leans on the counter. I slap his arm.
"He's my friend and another guy is around here who is my other friend." I say.
"Mom!" Nick yells and hugs her.
"Nick." She asks. I see dad.
"Hello Carol." He says.
"Andrew." She says. Him and Rob shake hands and it gets awkward. Jay's parents and Michael show up and Rose goes to play with the guys as the cookies bake. When they are done the adults go into the living room. So me, Jay, Alex, Michael, Nolan, and Rose decorate the cookies. They look really cute once they are done. Rose wants to sit some out for Santa and I nod.
She pours a glass of milk and goes to bed so he can come early. I put her in bed and me and Jay kiss her good night. Nolan and Alex have been sleeping in the living room but they go to Roses room tonight so the others can sleep I there. Jay turns out all the lights and takes a big drink of the milk and takes two of the cookies. I smile at him.
"Am I a good dad or what?" He says handing me one. I take a bite and smile again. I kiss him and we walk into the bedroom. We stay up late watching Christmas movies. Also, a lot of kissing. I end up falling asleep.

NFL Girl {Book Three}
Teen Fiction3rd book in the football girl trilogy With Her New husband Jay Connors and her beautiful daughter Rose Connors Jordan starts to see the really world open up in front of her. When the NFL starts to rip Jordan and Jay apart both fight to keep the l...