Chapter 27

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"Wait so that's it?!" My granddaughter yells.

"Yup." I say and laugh.

"It just can't end like that!" Lucy says.

"Well it did."

"Mom." Rose says.

"Yes dear?"

"Are you telling them about you and dad's football love story again!"

"I can do what I want." I say.

"Go to your guys room for just a minute." Rose says to Lucy and Jake.

"Okay." They say and run off.

"Look mom. Dad will be back at some point. Remember? He can't leave you for that long."

"Rose, honey. He's been gone for years now. Left me, you, and your brother alone. I couldn't forgive him for that."

"But you always forgive him. You forgave me."

"You were 16 and pregnant mostly because of your father."

"No it's not. You know I love Joey even when I was little."

"He left us."

"Mom you know it wasn't dad fault!" Rose screams. "He got in a car accident! He couldn't have done anything to stop it!"

"Rose." I whisper.


"That was a lie."


"He left us when me and him got in a fight. I haven't seen him since."

"Why did you lie to me?"

"You were young."

"That's no reason to keep me from that. Try calling him."


"Please." I grab the phone and dial the number. It's been so long. I put it to my ear and it starts ringing. At the second ring it picks up.

"Hello?" A deep voice says.


"Jordan?!" I hear the man yell.

"Yes it's me."

"Where are you?!"

"Um. At Rose's house."

"Okay." It goes dead.

"Does your father know where you live?"


"He's coming." I crack a smile. "Jay is coming home."

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