Tim Drake☕️

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Imagine: Tim relaxing for once

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Imagine: Tim relaxing for once.
You had finally managed to pry your boyfriend away from the Bat Computer. Honestly he didn't even have that much work to do he just liked to keep himself busy.
You dragged Tim to your favourite 24 hour diner in Gotham.
"Aren't you glad to be out in the world?"You asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
"I guess so."He smiled.
A waitress walked over to take your order.
"Timothy Drake, I swear to the heavens above if your order coffee I'll kill you."You declared.
"I'll have a strawberry milkshake."Your boyfriend told the waitress before turning back to you."Happy?"
"Very."You turned to the waitress."Can I have a chocolate milkshake please?"
"Is that all?"She asked, surprisingly chipper for eleven at night.
"Yup."You told her.
"Thank you."Tim said as she walked away.
"I think that's the first person other than Bruce, Damian and I that you've talked to in about a month."You smiled.
"Try two."Tim smirked.

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