Donna Troy🌟

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Imagine: Donna getting jealous

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Imagine: Donna getting jealous.
You had never been good at reading signals when someone liked you and you were a naturally friendly person, so you thought people were just reciprocating the behaviour when they were being nice to you.
When you started dating Donna about six months ago she didn't care about your friendly personality because you were just being FRIENDLY. What (or more accurately who) she had a problem with was Kory Anders.
Ever since you'd met Kory while helping your brother Dick and a girl with an unusual power named Rachel she'd flirt with you every chance she got.
Donna finally had enough.
You were talking to Kory while waiting for Donna to show up.
"Maybe she's not coming."Kory suggested as Donna walked towards you.
"I'm here now, don't worry."The brunette hurried over to hug you while glaring at Kory.

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