Chapter 4- Cheating

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There was Yuliana. On her phone. Playing the game. Talking to the love of her life. Or maybe she just thought so. 

(In the game chats) (Y for yuliana and F for fredrey)

Y- Well, that is quite rude. I think he did well though. 

F- Oh no, you're still a little girl. You don't know much about these things. 

Y- Well, I maybe smaller than you in age, but I know quite a lot.

F- Are you sure? Because it's just you who thinks you know about all these things.

Y- Well, alright. If that's what you think about politics now a days. 

F- So, what are you doing today?

Y- Nothing much really. Have you got some plans?

F- Well no. Was just wondering what you do all day. 

Y- Oh now someone is even wondering about me. Isn't it? ;-)

F- Now, now now. I'm too late for my tuition. I don't have time for a steamy session right now. See ya babe. 

Y- Okay see ya. Love, xoxo.

(Fredery is now offline)

Yuliana's p.o.v

He's offline. Gosh. He's just so cute. Yeah I know he doesn't feel the same. But look, he cares about me. But I haven't seen him. Maybe it's just because he's insecure or something. I'll meet him one day. Ofcourse, I will.

I smiled and hugged my teddy bear before drifting off to sleep. 

(After few hours)

I woke up and found that my phone was dead. Putting it on for charging, I went downstairs. Just to find my mom and dad arguing. Well, they were sort of arguing. More like, discussing something? I don't know. Really. 

I went to the kitchen and got an Appy from the fridge. What? I love Appy. Okay okay, I'll tell you more about myself.

Look, I live in Paris, France. The city of love. The college that I go in is mainly for the non-french speakers. I do know french but not much. I wasn't born here. I have a different accent and a different mother language.

Well, this guy says he's from Paris as well but I don't know where he lives. Gosh, I hope I know him. Suddenly my phone showed a notification. I checked it and it said, "Message from Fredery" 

I went online, quickly. The message that I saw on the screen, shattered my heart into a hundred pieces. Each one of them had his name. 

Pain. Broken. Devasted. Destructed. Destroyed. End. Sorrow. Sadness. Hardship. Rejection. Distress. Depression. 

All these words weren't enough for what I felt. The moment was horrible.  I was experiencing something I never wanted to. 

But he said...last night...

(Flashback) (warning: sexting ahead) 

Y- Ohh fuck! Please don't stop!

F- I won't baby. You're just too hot to handle. (Keeps going) 

Y-  Ohh my my my!!!!! 

F- You did it sooo well, my love. I love you baby..

Y- really? You love me?

F- Yes I do. I love my baby. I love you so much. 

(Flashback over) 

He cheated. It was cheating. 

Third person p.ov.

The message read...."I'm getting engaged. To the love of my life."

It further read, " When I came back from tuition my parents sat there with my relatives and said that they were getting me engaged. And it turned out to be the love of my life. I'm so sorry. I swear to my mother, it just happened. It was good staying with you. Stay happy." 

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