A/N: Don't be shy to leave comments! Especially if anyone spots a typo - I'm all ears :)
Surrounded by people
Friendly faces all around
Trading tales across the table
Laughter all about
Yet soon the time is over
Ever such a crowdEnveloped in laughter
Threading happiness through our hearts
As we share our stories and our secrets
We also share our trustBut underneath their faces
Perhaps snakes lie in waiting
Coiled springs
Prepared to pounce
Waiting ever so patiently
For the whole trust a heart can giveFoolish of I
As to share my secrets
And my stories
And my trust
Because in doing so
I traded pieces of my heartAnd so
As the heart is given
Comes the love of friends
A bond which human beings need
Like a string
Tied to my heartBut don't be fooled
The string can beak
Sometimes cut
The bond, severed
Cannot be replaced
ButSome strings can be tied anew
Just as they were before
Never quite the same
As what they once were
Yet bonds broken
Make room for moreDo not forget: a string tied
Might soon break in two
But do not be fooled
A string severed
A bond broken
May become a rope once more.
Short Stories, Poems and Concepts
PoetryHi there! Thanks for taking the time to check out my book - or in other words the concepts, beginnings, middles, and maybe even ends of a whole bunch of different ones! This is also a collection of poems written by yours truly. Some of them are sh...