5. Marked

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Draco needed her. Now. He paced his office, glass still in hand. She's probably still walking the floor, call her back!

But he needed to control himself. He, Draco Malfoy, would not chase after a girl, let alone Hermione Granger. That was about teaching her a lesson. A lesson he planned to teach her over and over again until she got it right. He knew he didn't have anything to worry about, there was no way he would fall for her; He was claiming his prize for outsmarting her and he would until he was bored of her.

A week passed before Hermione would see Draco Malfoy again. She had spent every moment replaying the scene over and over in her head and decided that she craved it because she had been alone for so long. The thought of him still sent waves of hatred over her.

Hermione sat at her office that morning, breathing a sigh of relief for another day she didn't have to see him, and set to work completing the pile of work that seemed to be growing bigger and bigger, no matter how quickly she finished the reports.

Her work was interrupted by a quiet scratching against her window. Harry! she thought as she jumped to let the owl in. It fluttered around the room while she untied the letter from it's leg, gave her an affectionate nip on her finger and set off back out the window.

Hermione had completely forgotten about writing to Harry. She tore open his letter excitedly.


Are you serious? Malfoy around Muggles?? Blimey, the world really has gone mad. We'll find you a new job Mione, you won't have to worry about him for too long. Any Muggle job you apply for would be crazy not to take you.

Ron sends his love. George is teaching him the ropes of the business. They're looking to expand into Hogsmeade! Ginny is demanding you come home soon, she says she's getting bored of the 'male influence' around the house. Her Quidditch season starts in a few weeks. You'll have to come home and watch her first game with us!

We really miss you Hermione, it just isn't the same without you around.

All our love,


Hermione smiled warmly as she finished the letter. She missed them so dearly and vowed silently to visit them soon.

As she read through the letter again, she heard a small cough at her door which made her jump.

"Granger," Draco smirked, leaning casually against the door frame, "can you tell me why you are not currently working?"

"Oh, uh, just received a letter. Don't worry, I'll get right back to it." Hermione smiled sheepishly as she tucked the letter into her coat pocket and sat down to complete her work. Instead, Draco strode over to her desk and held out his hand demanding the letter. "Ms Granger," he spoke slowly and professionally, "I distinctly remember a moment in my office where I reminded you that your business is my business. Now, give me that letter."

Hermione's jaw dropped slightly in surprise. Looking up at him, she pulled the letter out of her pocket and handed it to him, "please don't-"

"Be quiet Granger", he silenced her as he read the letter, the smirk on his face growing more and more sinister. However, reading the last name signed off on the letter sent him into a jealous rage. Harry. He screwed the piece of parchment into a ball and threw it into her wastepaper basket, hardly hearing Hermione's quiet protests.

Hermione could sense that he was angry. She stood up from her chair and backed away, until she hit her desk, while he took slow, measured steps towards her.

"Hermione Granger, can you explain to me why you are receiving personal letters to your workplace?" He was getting closer and she could back away any further.

"Uh, I'm really sorry," she stammered, she hated how easily he was able to control her emotions now.

"Well apologies aren't good enough Granger." And with that, he closed the gap between them and pushed her against her desk as he kissed her deeply. 

Without breaking, he waved his wand and the shutters came down, giving them complete privacy. He moved his lips to kiss her jawline as she ran her nails down his back. He shivered with pleasure. With one sweeping motion, he lifted her up, so she was now sitting on her desk and pushed himself closer to her between her legs. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him in deeper still. "Granger," he whispered dangerously as his teeth grazed her earlobe, "tell me what you want." He felt her shiver deliciously at his words, her hands now working their way under his shirt to explore the skin of his stomach. He slowly kissed a trail down her neck, pausing to smile when she moaned quietly in pleasure. He teased her by biting the delicate skin just below her ear before kissing his way slowly back up her neck. He whispered harshly, "Answer me Granger."

He felt her hands tangle themselves in his hair before pulling him closer and sighing "you." Her lips tried to find his as she lent in for another kiss, but he was already pulling away. Smirking, he ran his fingers through his hair and tucked his shirt back in to his pants.

Smiling pompously, he said quietly "Exactly. Now get back to work Granger."

And without another glance at her he walked out her door, waving his wand to set her wastepaper basket on fire just for good measure.

Hermione sat on her desk, heart hammering while she stared at the door he had just walked out of. She couldn't believe herself. She had let him do it again. Her thoughts were pulled back to the present when the flames from her wastepaper basket started to grow higher.

"Aguamenti," she muttered, waving her wand and sending a jet of water to extinguish the flames.

Hermione sighed and slowly hoped off her desk. Smoothing down her hair she moved over to the shuttered windows and pulled up the blinds by hand. In her reflection she caught a glimpse of herself. Dishevelled hair, pink, swollen lips, a fresh red mark blooming on the side of her neck.

"Oh no, no, no, no!" She whispered, her hands flying to cover the mark as she raced to the bathroom.

Her appearance was even worse looking in the mirror. She leaned closer, inspecting the love bite now turning a delicate shade of purple. Swearing softly to herself as she walked back to her office she muttered, "Damn you, Draco Malfoy."

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