15. A Year On

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One year had passed since Draco watched Hermione walk out. 365 days of emptiness and regrets. 8760 hours spent wishing he could go back in time and do it all over again.

Draco had sold his company and returned, completely, to the Wizarding world. He could no longer walk the corridors of his building without thinking of her. He would walk past her office, almost religiously, hoping that she would be sitting there. Instead, it sat as cold and as bare as ever, the wastepaper basket still blackened from the time he had lit her letter from Potter on fire.

Now, a year on, he sat alone at the dining table in Malfoy Manor, running his finger along the rim of his empty glass. Draco looked up at the chair opposite him, remembering how small and scared Hermione had looked when he had broken her heart in that very spot.

But Draco couldn't escape her; it was like the world was punishing him for what he had done. Most mornings her beautiful, glowing face smiled back at him from the inside pages of The Daily Prophet. That was fairly easy for him to ignore. At night, however, memories of their time together clouded his mind, forcing him awake until the early hours of the morning for it to repeat all over again the next day.

He also barely spoke to his Mother anymore. They were two separate people living in the same home. She had tried, early on, to fix things, but he couldn't move forward, knowing that she was very responsible for what had happened. Now, they barely spoke.

Draco waved his wand to refill his glass as Tilly, their house elf, scuttled in to hand him The Daily Prophet. "Thank you, Tilly." he murmured, settling in his seat and bringing his glass slowly up to his lips. As he opened the paper, he jumped out of his seat, his glass shattering magnificently on the stone floor. Because right there, on the very front of The Daily Prophet, a large picture of Hermione Granger beamed up at him, with the headline:

Shacklebolt Retires. Hermione Granger Becomes the Youngest Minister for Magic Ever Elected.

Draco read the headline again, trying to make sense of all. The Brightest Witch of Our Generation he thought sadly, craving her more desperately than he ever had. He glanced back over the moving photo of Hermione. Her hair was pulled back elegantly as she smiled shyly and waved for the cameras. Right behind her stood Potter and Weasel-King. Reading further down the article he found that they had been promoted too; Potter now Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and Weasel now an Auror.

He threw the paper across the table in anger. Just like school, everything seemed to be going swimmingly for the Golden Trio. Trying his best not to stare at the photo of Hermione for too long, he settled back down in his seat. He was abruptly interrupted, however, when his Mother suddenly ran into the room; they hadn't spoken in days.

"Draco!" She spoke anxiously, holding her chest and breathing heavily "your Father is going back on trial! Tomorrow! They want you to speak on the witness stand."


Youngest Minister for Magic in History.

It hadn't been an easy road to get here, in fact, her journey to her new position had been riddled with the emotions she still felt for Dra-

She couldn't even think his name without the air being knocked out of her lungs. One year had passed and she was still having trouble moving on.

After Hermione left Draco, she immediately went back to everything she knew and was offered a job working for Kingsley Shacklebolt. Working for the Minister for Magic was a blessing in disguise; it kept her too busy to go home and drown in her own thoughts. She had suffered, tremendously, in the last year. Everything she did brought up a fresh wave of emotions for Draco Malfoy

Sitting back down at her beautiful, magnificent desk she smiled to herself. For the first time in a year she felt truly happy. As she took out her quill to write a letter introducing herself to the Muggle Prime Minister, she was interrupted by a flash of messy black hair sprinting to her room.

Harry burst through the door panting, a neatly folded envelope that she immediately recognised as an Official Minister's memo held tightly in his sweaty hand.

Knowing that this contained her first official duty as Minister she jumped up to meet Harry, who was now clutching at his chest trying to catch his breath.

"Hermione," he panted, slowly starting to straighten up. "I received the same one and wanted to bring yours straight to you!"
Hermione thought it was odd that Harry would deliver this memo personally. "Why-"

"Because you won't like what it says Hermione." Harry finished slowly, his face now frowning with worry.

Eyeing Harry suspiciously, she slowly flipped the letter over and opened it.

Dear Minister,

We will be revisiting the cases of some of those who fought alongside Lord Voldemort in the War. The first retrial will be held early tomorrow for Lucius Malfoy. Witness for the convicted to be his son, Draco Malfoy.

You must be present for these trials to commence. As Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Mr Potter will also be required to attend.

Congratulations, again, on your victory Madam!

Hermione took in a sharp intake of breath, her heart now beating wildly in her chest. Looking up at Harry with tears in her eyes she whispered, "Harry, he's going to be there. I can't do it."

Harry immediately pulled Hermione into a warm hug. Holding her tightly, like he was trying to hold her together, he said firmly "Hermione, I will be there. My entire department will be there. You can do this, it's only Malfoy!" He finished his sentence with a chuckle and Hermione knew he was right.

It's only Malfoy, she thought.

But that was exactly the problem.

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