14. Unfixable Mistakes

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Hermione finished telling the entire story of her and Draco. The dates, the memories; sharing them with someone else felt therapeutic, as if telling the secret now made it possible for her to heal. Harry, Ron and Ginny were silent until she finished telling them about what happened at Malfoy Manor. As soon as Hermione closed her mouth, they jumped out of their seats and started swearing profusely at Draco bloody Malfoy.

Hermione laughed, the last dregs of her grief slowly disappearing. This is what she needed, her family. She didn't want to let them go.

Once Harry, Ron and Ginny had settled, the conversation moved to the others. Ron told her about the success of their new Hogsmeade store, filling with pride when he told her that George was seriously considering him as a permanent business partner. Hermione noticed, however, the small glances Ginny and Harry were sharing. Sensing that they were hiding something from her she pressed them for information,

"Well, actually Mione," Ginny spoke slowly, Harry reaching over to hold her hand tenderly. Hermione's heart sank slightly at the sight of such sweet affection, but Ginny continued "we did come all the way to London to make sure you and Malfoy hadn't killed each other-"

"Which, by the sounds of it, was going to happen soon." Ron interjected, causing the four of them to burst into laughter.

Ginny nudged Harry to continue and he said, "But there was another reason we came to visit." He shifted slightly in his chair, his eyes now brimming with excitement, "Mione," he breathed, pausing slightly, Hermione was getting anxious with the buildup, "Ginny and I are engaged!"

Hermione gasped and jumped out of her seat, pulling Ginny and Harry into a huge, warm hug. She was yelling excitedly "About time Harry! Blimey! Congratulations!"

Hermione let them go and watched as Harry lovingly put his arm around Ginny. Ginny spoke again, "Hermione, I want you to be my bridesmaid, will you?"

Hermione squealed "Yes! Yes! Of course!"

Ginny and Harry seemed to relax, knowing that the news was received well. Ginny hugged Hermione again and said, "I think we should celebrate! Can you leave?"

Hermione looked around her office and grinned. "Funny you say that," she chuckled, "I was just about to resign!"

Draco walked purposefully to Hermione's office. In his hand he held a large bunch of beautiful white lilies, his other hand in his pocket to hide how nervous he was. As he stood in front of the door of her office, a familiar laugh that made his blood boil echoed out of the room and down the corridor.


Hermione swung the door open. Looking over her shoulder, she didn't realise he was standing in the door frame and ran straight into his hard chest.

Looking up at him in surprise she squeaked, "Draco?" Behind her, Potter, Weasel-King and the Red Head were staring at him furiously. He cleared his throat and put the bunch of flowers behind his back. He could feel the blood rising to his cheeks as he spoke, completely humiliated, "Oh, is now not a good time?" He croaked.

The Red Head spoke before Hermione could reply, "Definitely not cockroach." She spat, raising her wand to defend Hermione.

Hermione found her voice, with a considerable amount of strength she looked Draco in the eyes, hers now filling with tears and whispered "No, Malfoy."

His body filled with rage as Potter and Weasel-King snickered behind her. Standing taller, scraping every ounce of dignity he had left he said "That's Mr Malfoy to-"

"No, it's not Draco." She was looking past him, not even daring to look into his eyes, as she shoved a piece of parchment into his hand and pushed past him out the door. The Red Head, Weasel-King and Potter followed her out, without another word.

Just before Potter walked away, however, he stopped and turned to face Draco. "She is more than you ever deserved, Malfoy." Eyeing him up and down with one final look of disgust, Potter turned and walked down to meet the other three.

Draco stood there, in shock, his heart hammering against his ribcage. Stepping into Hermione's office he leaned against the wall to steady himself and unfolded her letter.

Dear Mr. Malfoy,

Please accept my resignation. For your convenience, it will be effective immediately.

Don't worry, you won't have to deal with the stench of a filthy Mudblood in your corridors any longer.

Hermione Granger.

Draco read her letter through again, throwing the bunch of flowers on the ground and running his fingers through his hair. He was distraught.

Sliding down the wall, Draco held the letter to his chest and let out a small sob. He had well and truly ruined his chances with Hermione Granger. There was no fixing this mistake.

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