19. Deals with the Devil

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Harry stood out the front of the extraordinary gates of Malfoy Manor. Taking a deep breath, he cursed quietly to himself before pushing the gate open and walking in. He knew that Draco's ward would alert him of Harry's presence, so there was no reason to knock on the door and announce himself.

And Harry was right, as he made his way closer to the magnificent mansion, the door suddenly swung open and Draco Malfoy burst out with his wand raised defensively.

"What are you doing here Potter?" Draco spat, raising his wand higher, "trying to get yourself killed?"

Harry wasn't here to fight so he raised his hands in surrender, showing Draco that he wasn't armed.

"I'm not here to hurt you Draco," he said, stepping closer to him, "although, after what you've put Hermione through, I wish I was." He finished his sentence with a smirk, Draco's wand now dangerously close to his neck.

At the sound of her name Draco relaxed a little, lowing his wand slightly he spoke again "Then why are you here Potter?"

"I'm here because you hurt Hermione-"

"I KNOW WHAT I DID TO HERMIONE." Draco pointed his wand threateningly at him, his chest now rising and falling heavily with pure anger, "I don't need you here to rub it in my face Potter."

But Harry wasn't fazed. He knew he should have chosen his words more carefully, but he couldn't miss an opportunity to get a rise out of Malfoy. He observed Draco closely, still radiating intense anger and hatred. Harry didn't need years of Auror training to notice how different Draco looked; tired, worn and distressed.

"Malfoy," Harry started, eyeing him carefully as he thought of his next words, "I hate you. With every ounce of my being I think you are a slimy little dirtbag." He watched a small smile creep quickly across Draco's face before he continued, "And, trust me, if Hermione would let me, I'd hex you into next week after what you've done to her."

Draco's breathing was slowing down and he lowered his wand again slightly. Harry took his chance. "I don't feel sorry for you Draco, but I can't watch my best friend hurt like this anymore. I know she still loves you and," Harry chose his next words very carefully, "from what I can tell, you still love her too."
To Harry's relief, Draco made no objections. Sighing and running his hand anxiously through his hair, Draco lowered his wand completely.

"What does it matter, Potter, she doesn't want me anywhere near her." Harry noticed the sandess in his eyes and shook his head before he could start feeling sorry for Draco.

With a smile, Harry replied "Draco, you and I both know how stubborn Hermione is," Draco smiled to match his, "she's too proud to take you back. But I have an idea."

Draco looked at Harry oddly, wondering why in the world he had made the effort to come to his home to help him. With an air of fake arrogance to mask the rising excitement he felt, Draco replied, "And why would you want to help me Potter?"

"Because Draco," Harry smiled, watching one of Malfoy's stupid peacocks strut across the lawn "I'm sick of hearing her yell at you in her sleep."

And with that, Draco's façade fell to the floor. He was absolutely elated, even if it meant accepting help from Potter himself.


A few days had passed since Hermione had sent Draco out of her office. To stop any regret from creeping into her mind she worked overtime the last few days, determined to scrub away any memory of Draco Malfoy.

Hermione and Harry stood at the desk in her office, staring intently at a map of Europe. Harry was drawing lines between points and muttering to Hermione the significance of the patterns. Their work was interrupted by a hesitant knock at her door. She looked up at Harry as she was not expecting a visitor to find him watching her potted plant with intense interest.

"Come in." Hermione called, incredibly confused and a little miffed someone was interrupting them.

The doors flew open and in walked the tiniest elf carrying the biggest bunch of crisp, white lilys that Hermione had ever seen. The only thing that could be seen of the elf were his feet.

"Delivery for the Minister!" The little elf squeaked happily. Hermione looked back at Harry, her mouth now hanging wide open, to find him pressing his lips tightly together, holding in a laugh.

She hesitantly walked over to the elf, whose knees were now trembling as he tried to hold the weight of the flowers in his arms. Kneeling slowly and taking the ridiculously huge bunch away she asked the elf kindly "Who are these from?"

"Mr Malfoy!" He giggled happily, his arms swinging freely by his sides and he rocked on his heels. Hermione shot and, to Harry's surprise, threw the bunch of flowers ungraciously onto a chair in the corner of her office. Gritting her teeth, trying her hardest not to show her anger to the happy little elf she muttered, "And do you do return messages?"

"Yes Ma'am!" The elf said, looking up at her excitedly and nodding.

"Well in that case," Hermione said angrily, "will you please remind Mr Malfoy that no amount of flowers in the world will cover the stench of a Mudblood."

She watched as the elf looked at her nervously and unsure, before nodding his head slightly and disapparating on the spot.

Hermione turned around slowly, to find Harry staring at her in disbelief. "What?" She threw at him as she walked back over.

Harry searched for words for a moment before spluttering, "Mione! That was a bit harsh!"

Hermione just shrugged her shoulders and attempted to return to her work, but Harry wasn't going to drop this. His plan had failed.

"Hermione," Harry spoke slowly, "Malfoy sent you those! He's trying to tell you something!"

She looked up at him unbothered and said simply, "yeah and I don't want to hear it" before leaning back over the map in deep thought.

Blimey, Harry thought, we're going to have to try harder.

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