T.R.: 2

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Alexis POV

When I pilled my eyes open, my head pound at a server rate, my mouth dry as sandpaper and my vision blurry. I pushed myself up by elbows and waited for my vision to turn normal before I started to peer around the room.

Looking around the room I notice how foreign the things looked. Ever inch from the floorboard to the dressers everything was unrecognizable. My hands gripped the blankets over me and threw them to the side.

Throwing my feet over the side of the bed, I set out on the cold wood floors and instantly regretted it. My legs started to wobble before they gave up from under me and hit the floor with a loud thud. I hissed out in pain at the sudden pain.

The door to the room suddenly open with a burst, a figure appeared "Damn ma you gotta take it easy," My face twisted to anger when I realize who it was. Durk walked to where I sat and gently picked me up and placing me back on the bed. He stood over me watching me like I was test subject.

"Where the hell am I?" My voice came out low and hoarse not as I expected. Durk rolled his eyes and handed me a bottle of water that he grabbed from the nightstand, "Take this." In his other hand sat a small white pill.

"Psst, I'm not taking no drugs from you."

"Why are you being so difficult ma, take it gon' help which ya headache. So take it."


"Well at least drink the water, ya voice sound like shit." He pushed the water bottle further my way. I examine the bottle for a minute before slowly taking it. Unscrewing the cap I brought the bottle toy lips and drunk the water hastily.

When I finished I turned my attention back to Durk, "Now are you willing to tell me where the hell am I?"

"Are you always this cranky ma?" Durk asked jokingly raising his eyebrows at me. Giving him a hard glare, I cross my arms over my chest waiting for his answer.

"Ya at my crib." He answered nonchalantly. My eyes grew big as my mouth fell agape. I looked down at myself making sure my clothing was on, when I notice they were I sighed in relief.

"Why the hell am I here?" I asked angrily.


"No I'm not gonna chill, I'm in a fucking convict crib." I spat giving him a glare.

" Ex-Convict." He corrected, "And ya here because I saved ya little ass."

"What do you mean you saved me?" I questioned skeptically.

"You don't remember?" I shook my head, "Damn."

"We'll ya pretty ass almost got hit by damn stray bullet, if I ain't tackle ya ass." Processing what he said my memory from last night slowly started to come back. My eyes went wide, I almost died.

"Oh my gosh," I mumbled to myself. I clutched my head as the throbbing started to grow worse.

"Ya ok ma?" Durk asked.

""My head." I groaned. Durk laughed lowly to himself, "Take this Advil." He held his hand out with the same pill from earlier.

"No, I'm not taking drugs from a stranger." I stubbornly stated.

"Ma, I ain't gon' drug ya. Trust me." I wanted to crack into chuckles at his request for me to trust him. I barely knew the guy but I do know he is a ex-convict that all my friends that told me stay wary of.

"Ok, why would I drug ya? To smash ya? Shit if I wanted to do that could of did that when ya was knock out this whole time." I pressed my lips together knowing that he had a point. Sighing in annoyance I took the small pill from his hand and popped it in my mouth before drowning the pill down with water on the nightstand.

The room fell into silence as Durk stared at me. I being to grow weirded out at his intense gaze. Chewing my lip I looked around at the room. The floor was a dark mahogany color with the walls creamy white. Dressers, the same color as the floor, was placed against the walls. The room was neat, yet plain.

Looking around made me realize that I wasn't home.

I quickly got up but was immediately stopped by Durk, "Woah ma, where ya goin'?"

"Do you mind showing me the way out this place?" I asked impatiently ignoring his question.

"Yeah as soon as you tell me where ya goin'." His reply made me give him a glare,"Home."

Smirking he said, "Let me take you."


After hours of arguing with Durk he won the right to take me home. After continuously times of telling him that I could walk, take the bus, call a cab he found a flaw or error to maneuver out of it.

He was so persistent that it got me irritated. He kept offering until I gave in. I was bit hazy about letting know where I lived so I decided to have him drop me off a couple blocks from my apartment complex.

"You can let me off here." I stated taking the seatbelt off.

"Nah, this ain't where you live." Furrowing my eyebrows I asked, "How you know?" He gave me a smirk.

Uneasiness was piling in my stomach at the fact he knew where I lived. Thoughts came to my head of him possibly stalking me. The image of him watching my every move from his car behind his tinted windows made me shiver.

"D-d-o you stalk me?" I stuttered out. My question made him erupt in laughter. Taken back by his action I scolded him.

"Lil ma, don't flatter ya self." His words had me shock as my face flushed in embarrassment. I sulked back into the leather seat, that still doesn't answer the fact that he know where I lived.

It wasn't long before his car was parked in the parking lot of my apartment complex. I went to open the car door but it was locked. Rolling my eyes I gave Durk a look.

He unlocked the door pushing the door open I stepped my feet out, I went to leave but I felt his hand catch my arm. I looked backed at him with a annoyed expression.

"Can I walk ya inside?"

"No." Snatching my arm awayI left the car, slamming the door behind me. Going toward the main door the sound of Durk voice stop me, "Ayo ma!"

Closing my eyes, I huffed out before turning to face him opening my eyes, "What do you want?" Annoyance clearly in my voice.

"What's ya name?" He asked leaning out his car window.

"Alexis." I answered.

"Well Alexis, ya ass is looking right in them jeans."





- Mariah 😏

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