Chapter 21 Tick Tock goes the Clock

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Chapter 21

Tick tock goes the Clock

"Watch where you are going, man, we gotta' get these gates open, and we can't be having the whole castle knowing what we are up to," Link commanded, looking over his shoulder to his band of rogues that were following him. He was speaking particularly to Dimm, who need a little bit more instruction than the others. They had made their way outside of the main keep of the castle, safely huddled behind a massive stone courtyard wall entrance. The group had one last obstacle to get past before they could sneak their way toward the war tower for which they were heading.

"I'm sorry," Dimm replied, struggling to rearrange his cover over his head. It kept sliding as they scurried. "This confounded mask you gave me makes it so hard to see a damn thing!"

"Well, if you aren't careful, you won't be seeing anything at all," Link scolded. "The last thing you'll see will be a swing of a Moblin's bat," the knight called back while peering ahead through the archway entrance, head turning both ways to see if the coast was clear. He flipped around again to face the others and continued his speech to Dimm. "Your mask nearly fell off when you tripped over that sleeping Moblin earlier. And if it weren't for poor Sidon here who was forced to rescue you, I'm afraid you wouldn't be standing here at all," Link added.

"I said I was sorry, alright?"

Sidon chimed in and joked. "Well, with the way you're going, friend, you'll have plenty of practice saying sorry by the time this whole ordeal is over. So, you just be sure to save your 'sorrys' for when Malroc discovers us. I'm sure he'll be happy to hear them out," Sidon leaned, one eye zoomed in on the worried man.

Dimm gulped, reflecting to himself on how ruthless that Lynel commander was earlier when he massacred those poor helpless women. "R-right, I'll be more careful," he glanced back up. They were right, of course, to show concern for Dimm's lackadaisical behavior. Everything depended on the success of this quest. Nothing could be left to chance.

Link chuckled quietly, amused by the frightened Dimm. Thinking better of it and slightly worried for the terrified soul, he decided to pat him on the back to offer him up some courage. "Best be. Sidon's acting can only save us so many times, ain't that right, Sidon?" He nudged the Zora prince.

The prince huffed in humorous annoyance at his remark. "Right."

"Alright, enough time wasted; let's go!" Link rallied the men shrugging a shoulder in the direction of their primary objective that lay just ahead of them passed the throng of monsters gathered all around.

Many foul creatures had set up their encampments and were resting alongside dim flickers of late evening campfires, groaning to themselves, and having unsavory drink and food with one another. Their many fires dotted the path to where they needed to sneak past to. Much like the castle itself, the courtyard was also a ruin. Unkempt vegetation and other rotting things were all around them, left abandoned to decay. An eerie setting, to say the least. So much so that the once upon a time pristine cobblestone pathway where majestic kings gracefully strolled to admire the magnificence of such things had fallen into utter degradation and were covered by malice infected overgrowth. They had to step carefully, lest they be taken under by the darkness that surrounded them.

"Alright, let's go, and be sure to move like them. And be watchful of those bogs; they are unholy. And in case you're wondering what they are, that's Malice that consumes them," the knight stretched his hand, pointing at a particular one that had enveloped over a proud court tree, overflowing from a nearby stone fountain. Its black magic pulsed and flickered a blood-red demonic light in front of them as it zapped the life from the once majestic king tree, poisoning its roots. At that same time, the black and red muck was coughing and spewing all manner of abominations out from its pit.

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