Rescue Mission:Hoth

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Dear Readers,
                  Thank you so much for reading "Always" this story is very dear to my heart. And a creation of myself and Starmoon2970 along with my husband. We do hope you enjoy our story. :)

P.S.  Happy Birthday to Star Chan! The creator of Elizabeth Neyail.

Elizabeth Neyail was quick to escape the prison her fragile mind had aquatinted with the peaceful planet of Coruscant. The peaceful planet abundant with multi colored fauna and yet it served as confinement for the young Padawan none the less. The cage was as vast as the Coruscant itself but upon the planets surface was a single prisoner. Though she walked freely among the other in the "Jedi Temple"; Elizabeth never felt more isolated. With haste Elizabeth followed the coat tail of Master Kenobi. The two turning the corner of many winding coridoors of the "Temple." His broad back to the young Padawan. Who's mind drifted to thoughts unventured by those of the "Light side." Though Elizabeth tried she knew no matter the distraction the thoughts which fluttered about were both unwelcome and pleasant. The aura in which radiated from Obi Wan was that of utter serenity. A feeling of which only her own Master; Yoda was capable of displaying. Along with sharing with his budding apprentice. And yet Obi Wan always managed the same feat. At times of distress a mere touch from the handsome and level headed Master could pull Elizabeth from the darkness which frequented her. Be it night or day.

Welcoming the distraction, Elizabeth soon made her way to the ship's cockpit. Taking her seat beside the pilot which of course was Obi Wan himself. Quick to take his place at the helm of the ship. The skilled pilot input the coordinates to their destination. The icy planet Hoth. His attention on the task at hand; Obi Wan felt the familar shudder of the small ship. Given to Master Kenobi in order to fulfill his duties to the "Order". Ones that Obi Wan took quite seriously, not only seeking recognition throughout the Galaxy. But everlasting peace for all living beings; as it was the will of the force. Another principal of belief that Obi Wan was willing to die for.

Roaring with life the ship effortlessly rose from the ground below, a distinct hum filling the air of the hangar. Alerting all on the premises that a ship was indeed ready for deployment. Releasing a sigh of relief at the thought of finally leaving Coruscant; Elizabeth flashed a smile. Though their destination was anything but glamorous, it was an escape none the less. One Elizabeth had the pleasure of sharing with Obi Wan. The singular thought enough to wipe away any remnants of dread which still plagued Elizabeth's psyche. With that hopeful smile of hers, she twiddled with a strand of her hair. Mindlessly twirling the lock around her index finger. A habit Elizabeth found insanely difficult to break, though unknown to the flustered Padawan. Obi Wan himself found the habit quite endearing. Even bringing a smile to his face.

In his peripheral Obi Wan caught a glimpse of her. It was unsightly he knew. How low it was of a Master to even dare harbor such thoughts for another. Attachments were after all forbidden to Jedi. Lulling even the most righteous of Master's to fall. Knowing by heart what attachments led to. Both weakness and the dark side. Both of which Obi Wan refused to kneel to. Though even Obi Wan was but a man. One in his prime jobless and the height of his military career. Handsome and we'll versed in the ways of the Jedi; Obi Wan still felt hollow. And that space only seemed to shrink when Elizabeth was near.

A certain radiance like no other came off the lovely Elizabeth in waves. Her mere presence causing Obi Wan to stifle back a gasp. At times unable to hide the gentleness that overtook him. How with bated breath and wisdom of his many years as Master. Struggling to maintain the fine line which divided the two. He was a Master; dignified and meant to set an example for all those around him. And she; Elizabeth Neyail was a Padawan. The future of the "Jedi Order." A young mind which sought knowledge, all of which Obi Wan was capable of providing. And yet he faltered. For the line that divided the two had begun to waver. For at a single glance from the lass caused the seasoned Master to swoon. At times unable to hide his certain fondess for the girl. And going out of his way even to spend time with the rather fragile Padawan.

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