Chapter 9

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It had only been a few days since Poppy left Luca's but she was already settling in nicely. Bishop, on the other hand, was having conflicting feelings about his new roommate.

"Morning," Poppy greeted him cheerfully. "Coffee is fresh. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Poppy," Bishop sighed, stilling her hand as she moved to open the fridge. "You don't have to do this. You're not my servant or my maid," he explained, despite enjoying it all.

Looking dejected, Poppy nodded and stepped away from him. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize, querida," he said, pouring himself a cup of coffee. "I don't want you to feel like you have to take care of me."

"I...I kind of like it," she admitted. "It's been my only job and I'm good at it. It makes me feel useful and in a way, it's doing my fair share as a roommate."

Bishop smiled at her, "You are good at it. I just don't want you to think I'm like him or think you have to."

"I want to," she said earnestly.

"Alright," he relented, "In that case, as long as you want to, I'm good with it." 

"Thank you for giving me the choice," she sniffled. "I don't get that much."

"You got it now, it's why you're here," he chuckled. "You hear from Angel?"

Poppy shook her head. "Not yet. I wanted to text him but I don't want to be annoying."

Deciding not to give her any advice regarding Angel, Bishop just nodded and changed the subject. "I know you don't have any experience but I was wondering what kind of job you were interested in? It's a good way to get out there, the first step toward independence."

"I don't know," she admitted. "I can't stop thinking about Luca. It just doesn't feel right. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop."

"He's not coming after you because you have us in your corner," Bishop told her. "He's scared and now you don't have to be."

"It's not that easy," she sniffled. "I'm afraid to step outside the house."

Bishop's heart sank. "Listen," he said, checking the time, "I have some stuff to handle but we'll get you out. Me and you, we'll go out to dinner tonight. Sound good?"

"Out to dinner?" She drew her head back. "You want to take me out to dinner?"

"Yeah," he chuckled then turned serious. "You're not a hassle or annoying or whatever those assholes said you were. You're a pretty girl, you're sweet, smart and surprisingly funny for the shit you've been through."

Smiling broadly, Poppy felt her cheeks flush red. "Thank you, Bishop."

"You're welcome," he placed his mug in the sink. "Relax, don't think about Luca and I'll see you this afternoon."

"Hey! Just wanted to see how you and your brother are doing. I'm making myself at home here. Talk soon!"

Angel smiled to himself, reading the text a few times, before replying.

"I'm good. E's a mess. I'm trying to see you soon."

"No pressure!"

"Who is it?" EZ asked, noticing the look on Angel's face as he stared at his phone.

Angel's head snapped up. "Shit, E, I thought you were sleeping."

Coming down off the last step, EZ shook his head. "Been up for a while. Couldn't get out of bed," he admitted.

"Coffee," Angel gestured to the counter.

"Thanks," EZ said, making his way over. "So, who is she?"

Angel cracked a smile. "Thought you weren't gonna ask again."

"I won't let it go," EZ said wistfully. "I made that same face every single time I spoke to Nina."

In seconds, Angel's smile was a deep frown and the butterflies in his stomach were gone. "This girl, Poppy," he explained. "It's nothing. She just got away from this abusive prick," he blurted out.

"Picture?" EZ asked, ignoring Angel's excuses.

"Nah man," Angel said, clamming up.

"I'll see her soon," EZ laughed.

"You sound good, little brother, you're laughing," Angel remarked.

"Different space," he said vaguely. "You didn't tell Mom I'm here, did you?"

Angel shook his head. "No, but you fucking should, they're worried about you."

"They'd only worry more if they saw me," EZ sighed.

Knowing that was the truth, Angel didn't put any additional pressure on EZ. "You do look like shit."

"I know," EZ grew more somber. "I feel like shit too."

Angel placed his mug down and attempted to pry more information from his little brother. With a heavy hand on EZ's shoulder, he began to speak.

"I know what happened to Nina is fucked up," already he felt as if he was messing up. "I miss her too, E, but what you're doing the worst thing you could do. You think she wants this? Wants you to throw your life away?"

"I don't want to do this," EZ said with a flash of emotion. "I don't want to have this obsession. I don't want to obsessively check her Instagram, reading every word she wrote, seeing her face on every patient, " his rage made way to tears.

"I'm sorry," Angel sniffled. "I didn't," he stopped, seeing EZ about to go off.

"The night before I called you," he said, taking shaky breaths, "I had a DOA come in, hit by a drunk driver," his face was twisted up in pain as he told the story. "That fucking asshole came in with a head wound, not even a bad one, he was able to walk out, Angel. He walked out of the fucking ER," EZ scoffed. "I...I went after him, right in the waiting room, he's not walking right now."

Angel's head dropped, "Jesus Christ, E."

"I know," he said shamefully.

"You running?" Angel suddenly asked. "Cause if you're looking to beat an assault or attempted murder charge you're not far enough."

EZ shook his head. "They didn't charge me. I told them I was down here visiting family. The white coat and a dead wife gets me some credit."

"Guess the white coat fixes the brown skin and your story as the son of an immigrant," Angel mused.

"Probably," EZ nodded. "I don't drink at work," he said quickly. "I'm sober when I'm there but when I'm home when I'm not on call," he shook his head. "I'm a fucking mess."

"We're gonna get you cleaned up," Angel promised.

"I don't want to be cleaned up," he whimpered. "I just want Nina. I want to fix it. I want to fix her. That's what I do, I'm a fucking doctor," he began to cry. "Why couldn't I save her?"

Choked up and failing to keep himself from crying, Angel pulled his chair over and hugged his brother. It was awful seeing Ezekiel in such pain, floundering every day, but Angel's own feelings made the discussion impossible to have without becoming overwhelmed.

"I dunno. I'm sorry, E," Angel sniffled. "We're gonna get your head on straight, little brother. I promise."

That evening, Angel, EZ, and Gilly were gathered around, the TV up loud, waiting for their dinner. Three large pizzas were on the way and a case of beer was chilling in the fridge when an unexpected visitor knocked on the door.

"I got it," EZ announced, hurrying to pay for the pizza. When he opened the door he was struck by the vision of a young woman, he'd soon learn it was Poppy, battered and bleeding, standing on the front porch in the rain.

"I need Angel. Please."

Poppy - A Mayans MC AUWhere stories live. Discover now