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I was walking with my dog, Kuma, when he suddenly keeps on barking and wanting to go forward somewhere. I was pulling him lightly to me with the leash so he will stop but then the leash loosen and he was able to escape.

Now, here I am looking for my dog.

"Kuma.. Kuma... Kuma.." I shout more like normal talk though.

I suddenly heard a bark so followed the sound and there he is..... with someone? The person is wearing a jacket and the hood is covering him or her so I can't see.

"Kuma" I call him and he face my direction as the person with him continues to pat his head.

"Kuma" I call him again so he will walk to me but he did the opposite. He turn his attention and jump to the person wanting to be carried.

The person then carried my dog as he or she stand up and there I saw a tall girl.

She finally notice my presence so she looks at me.

We look at each other for a whole minute before she started to talk.

"Are you his owner?" she asked.

"Ah yes, I am." I answered.

She removes her hood from covering her head as I finally saw her whole face.

"Good. I thought I would have to walk every corner of the neighborhood to find his owner." she says as she smiles.

I did not answer her as I just keep looking at her wondering who she is, why my dog approach her and if she knows who am I.

She coughs calling my attention and said "Here is your dog." She approaches me but I step a back in response. She halts her steps to me and look at me in worry. I think I saw her pout for a second but maybe I am just imagining.

She doesn't seem to know me and she looks kind but still she is a stranger.

"Sorry" she says as she put down Kuma below so he can walk to me on his own. She might have notice I'm not good in stranger which is why she did that.

Kuma did not walk to me but kept on jumping to her wanting to be carried again.

"Well, this is harder than I thought" she said as she scratch the back of her head.

"I'll get him" I finally said.

I approach Kuma who is in her feet. She walk backwards giving me space but Kuma followed him by moving forward. She stays in her feet so Kuma would stop as I tried to get him again. Sensing I am about to grab him, he dodge me and walk on the back of the girl to hide.

This dog is crazy. My crazy dog, Kuma.

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