[ 33 ] END

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It took straight two hours for my mom and I to explain to my dad and brother about my pregnancy and that Lisa is the other mom. But at the end, they took our word and believe on us.

When I told Rosé about it, she was so excited. She wants to buy already clothes, toys and baby stuffs for her niece or nephew. It's good I was able to convince her to wait for a while until learn about my baby's gender.

Other than my family and Rosé, I have not told anyone even my friends since it would be hard for them to understand.

I am just keep on praying every day for our safety and for Lisa to be back.



I am here standing in the green field near the cliff where we spend our date and where we exchanged our first 'I Love You' with each other. I smile as I reminisce our moments together.

"Lisa, it's been two months already since you left and our daughter is already two months old. Yes, she is a girl. I have just known it last week. Are you fine up there? When are you going back? I miss you. We miss you." I said as I look up the sky like I am talking with her.

"I'm having my morning sickness and cravings. It was hard but my family is here with me. Even your sister, Rosé, she is helping around. She already bought a lot of our child's stuff.

Speaking of Rosé, she and Jisoo are finally official. I'm sure your proud of her. They are already two weeks together.

My parents started asking already for the name of our child but I'm still hoping for you to be here so we can decide with it together.

If you won't show up until the day she will be born then maybe I'll name her Lalisa. So, she can have something from you.

Though I'm thinking you might want other than it like a name combine from us but I'm not sure what would sound great." I said with a smile.

I slowly close my eyes and feel the calm air.

"Lisa, I miss you. Please go home." I prayed silently as a single tear fall from my closed eyes.

I felt a warm arms wrap my body from behind.

"I miss you too. I'm home." I heard from a very familiar voice.

I did not open my eyes. I dreaming. I am hearing her voice now. I miss her so much.

"Please don't wake me up yet." I said.

I hear giggles near my ear and felt it from my back.

I open my eyes and turn my head to the said.

It's Lisa. I hold her hand as I remove it from hugging me as I turn my body to her while holding her hand.

"You're here?" I asked not believing.

"I'm here. I came back For You." Lisa said.

I pull her for a hug and cry in her shoulder.

"I miss you Lisa. We are having our daughter." I said.

"I know"

I pull out a bit from the hug to look at her but my arms are still around her.

"You know?"

"I had been watching over you and our little angel from above."

"You're not leaving again, are you?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm staying for good. We have our own family now. We will stay together." she said lovingly.

"I love you, my Pranpriya, my Lalisa" I sincerely said.

"I love you too. Both of you." she said her eyes on me and her hand on my small baby bump.

Her eyes falls to my lips as I did the same. I close my eyes and felt her lips on mine. This is my home. She is my home like I am for her.

_____________ END ____________

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