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A lot of things happened in the three weeks since Lisa left. My parents and I had talk to YG about my contract and they accept my decision to stop being a celebrity and leave a normal life. I did livestream in vlive to bid goodbye to my fans before finally ending it. A lot of people were shocked by my sudden decision but they accepted it and they know it's for my own good.

I want to live a normal life so I am doing what I want.

In those three weeks, I unexpectedly discover that Rosé and Jisoo had been keeping in touch since they met in the cafe with us. I support them. I think Rosé is already courting Jisoo as of now.


I am sitting in our couch as I watch the drama Angel's Last Mission again. I'm eating my snack when suddenly I felt I throwing up. I run to the bathroom and throw up.

My mom saw me and followed me in the bathroom. She caress my back as I continue to throw up.

"Jennie, I think we should have you check by the doctor." my mom said.

"I'm fine mom. It might be just the food." I said.

"You've been saying that for a week now. You also easily get tired this past few days. If I didn't know you only love Lisa, I might think your pregnant." my mom said.

What my mom said strike me like a lightning. The symptoms are the same and I'm delayed already for two weeks. But, it's not possible. I don't have other person in my life except Lisa. I have only did that with her and she is a woman. It can't be.


My mom and I are here in the hospital waiting for the result. I am hoping I don't have serious illness. I do want to meet Lisa but I want it here on earth. She protected my life to live so I don't want to die.

"Miss Kim?" the nurse said.

"We're here." my mom answered.

"Please come in." the nurse said as we get in side the doctor's room.

"Please sit down." the female doctor said.

My mom and I sit on the chair in front of the doctor.

"Is something wrong with my daughter doc?" my mom asked.

"There is nothing wrong with her."

"But why is she having those symptoms?"

"Miss Kim is three weeks pregnant." the doctor said.

Both my mom and I stay silent. We were both shock. I AM Shock.

My mom look at me questionably.

I look back at her as we stay silent.

"I'll both give you time alone." I heard the doctor said before she walks out of the room.

"Who is it?" my mom asked.

"I did not do it to anyone other than Lisa." I said.

"So, Lisa is the father? I mean the other mother? Did you do something surgical or anything for both of you to have a daughter?" my mom non stop asked.

"We did not. But I promised, It's only Lisa. She is the only one." I said defeated.

My mom pulls me in a hug.

"I'm sorry if I doubted you for a second. I believe you my daughter. It must be a blessing from god for the both of you." she said.

Lisa is an Angel and not a human. It's the only reason that our love created this unborn child inside of me. Lisa gave me a gift. I won't be alone. I will give all the love I can for our child. I hope Lisa will return to us and we can have our own family.

Lisa, please go back home. Be with me. Be with Us.

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