First contact.

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Izuku Pov.

I looked at her in fear. 

Her face was split apart in a never ending smile.

'Run!' I tell my legs.

The lady was getting closer.

'I need to get out of here! Please!' I feel nothing but fear as she approaches. Nothing at all. I was completely petrified and at the girls mercy. Her blood stained hoodie got closer as she walked towards me.

"What's this?" She asks making my blood turn to ice.

"..." I barely manage to stay standing as a dead pressure weighs down my shoulders.

"Ah is the Itty Bitty Hero in training scared?" She asked mockingly swinging her knife to the side, letting a crease of blood droplets cast through the air. Suddenly she was close to my face, her black, soulless, eyes staring into my green ones.

"S-Stop." I choke out in a gasp. I feel her surprise lift a small amount of weight from my shoulders.

"My my." She said chillingly. "A strong one? Or are you stupidly brave?"

'Dammit!' I curse my weakness as I waited. 'Maybe if I could reach my pho-'

My green costume blew with the speed of the attack, as Jess the killer jousted the knife in her left hand forward cutting my cheek slightly.

"Now now." She said, her right hand slithering into my back pocket before deftly pulling out my phone. "Let's not get other heroes in on our little... meeting." She clenched her hand shattering the phone and all of the electronics in it.

"Wh-why a-are you d-doing this?" I asked hoping to get information.

"Why?" She asked giggling slightly. "Well we've been following you for awhile now..."


My blood ran cold as she stated my name.

"W-What? Why?"

"Uh Uh." She said waving her index finger. "Can't spoil that just yet."

The moonlight reflected through her black hair as the wind picked up. Her chilling smile burned into my mind as she swung down her knife.

'Guys.' I think sadly as the blade came down. 'I'm sorry.'

"Go to sleep."

Darkness engulfs me, but not before I see her nightmare fueled smile one last time.


I wake up with a start.

'Where am I?!' I ask myself, eyes not even open. 

Quickly correcting  that problem, I realize that I'm in-

"A bed?" I question looking down. "I... I thought I died?"

I sighed and looked up taking the chance to study my foreign environment.

I was on a white mattress on a black bed frame, the room surrounding me was a deep forest green color. The floor was a very likable hazel wood and a mahogany door with a rusty Iron handle.

I sit up strait with fear when the door rattles as a knock reverberates throughout the room.

'Shit.' I think looking around for a weapon. A lamp catches my interest as the wooden shine gives me only a small flicker of hope.

"Hello?" I hear from outside of the door. Quickly I stand up, having to repress a groan of pain into a gasp.

I quietly make my way towards the lamp and smile when I see it's battery operated.

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