Mind melting performance.

111 5 2

Izuku Pov.

I looked at Todoroki intensely.

"Y-You needed something?" I ask.

"..." He doesn't say anything as he looks at his left hand.

"I-If y-you don't n-need anything than I-" I try to say but am interrupted.

"I was about to use my left side." Todoroki said. "You completely overpowered me and I nearly broke my vow."

'Vow?' I think.

'I will never use my left side in battle.' I remember him say during combat training.

'That day the way he said it.' My fists tightened. 'Like we wouldn't be a challenge to him!'

"I don't know why you made such an incomprehensibly stupid vow Todoroki. But I won't stand for anything but your best. I want your one hundred both fire and ice otherwise..."

'We are better than him!'

"I will absolutely destroy you when we fight."

"I..." Todoroki looked down in rage. He took a deep relaxing breath. "I have a question. All Might has been favoring you ever since school started. what's going on between the two of you? Are you his secret love child or something?"

"..." I looked at him blankly as the words set in.


"Pfft!" I laugh into my hands. "O-Oh god. That's... you thought that I'm All Might's child! No... No I-I did meet All Might before school started s-so he could help with my quirk. I've barely made any progress as well."

"Hm." Todoroki said. "If you're connected to the number one hero than I, as the number two heroes son, need to defeat you."

"Why do y-"

"Have you heard of quirk marriages?" Todoroki asked.

"Hm? Yeah it was a very common thing in the second and third generation of quirks after they realized they weren't just random and had genetic similarities to their parents. It was abolished in favor of people marrying whoever they wanted... wait are you saying-?"

"Yeah." Todoroki said. "My father forced my mother to marry him with all of his wealth. He wanted the perfect weapon to get ahead of All Might. I have three siblings. All of them are older than I am. None of them had what my dad wanted until my mom had me. But it came with a price. My mom went insane. She... she said my left side was unbearable and threw scalding hot water onto my face."

'Todoroki.' I think in sympathy.

"That is why I must defeat you with only my right side." Todoroki said a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

"Well we fight in the third round... Make sure to get to me." I say walking away. "And know that I warned you what the consequences would be if you chose to not use your fire."


I walk back over to tails who was looking at the sky in worry.

"I-Is there a proxy nearby?" I ask. The two of them had been taking me out just the day before.

"Have you noticed it yet?" She asked.

"Huh? What haven't I noticed?"

"That there's someone watching from the air."

"T-The air!" I ask loudly. Flying quirks weren't unheard of but using them to watch events was highly frowned upon. "B-But why would a-a hero-"

"It's not a hero." Tails said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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