Festival! Fight for the million!

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Blood dripped off of the blade as the blood covered man lifted it from the armor covered man shoulder.

"Agh!" The man yelled as the blade retreated from his shoulder. "W-Why! Why are you killing all of these innocent heroes?!"

"Ooh?" The blood covered man asked. "Innocent huh? Well I don't think the Passionate hero was innocent. I saw what they found when they searched his basement. All of those skeletons."

"He was being controlled!" The man took a shuttering breath. "There was a weird symbol over his heart! It was branded onto him by someone other than himself!"

"Well he should have fought it off!" The blood covered man brought the blade down into the mans other shoulder. "That's what I dislike about heroes most. These days they don't try! If they tried when it didn't involve fame then this world would be so much better!"

"You're insane!" The man yelled. "Just because we don't fit your expectation you'll kill us?! Heartless bastard!"

"No no! I'm not heartless!" The blood covered man said. Swiftly he pulled out his sword and shoved it through the mans chest. "You are." 

The bloodied man pulled his sword out of the now dead mans chest and began to walk away. "I'm not going to stop this rampage. Not unless I'm stopped by someone with the same ideals as All Might!"

Thunder clapped around him.


Izuku Pov. 

I look up as the first drops of a storm start their fall.

'Weird.' I think as more fall. 'It was a clear sky just a minute ago.'

"Listen up!" Midnight yelled cracking her whip. "Rain doesn't stop any heroes! Let's move on to our second event!" The screen behind her started to roll. "It's time for the Calvary to help the few on the bottom with a... Calvary battle!" A small image of Mic, Thirteen, and All Might in a small tower appeared on the screen. "In this event you'll get the help of one to three others and form a team! You will be given points based on how well you did in the past event! each team will be given a head band without a number! But only one persons points will be revealed!" Suddenly I'm blinded by a bright spotlight. "Izuku Midoriya has... ONE MILLION POINTS!"

'Oh... shit.'

"Yes you heard me right! This is a game where the bottom can quickly raise to the top! You will be given five minutes to form a team! GO!"

I look around and see everyone distance themselves from me.

'So I'm being singled out? That's completely unfair!'

"DEKU!" I turn around and see Ochako and Tails.

"We're here to join your team dumb ass." Tails said.

"Hey don't call names!" Ochako said. "We're teammates here."

"Right right." Tails said sarcastically. "Anyway... who's our fourth member?"


I squeak and turn around to find a pink haired girl with golden brown eyes that had crosses in them.

"U-Um? Who are you?" I ask.

"I'm Mei but we're wasting time! Can I join your team? I want to exploit your points for my own gain!"

'So forward!' "U-Uh what c-can you do?" I ask.

"I'm an inventor extraordinaire!" She said.

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