Two infiltrators

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Izuku Pov.

I look at my mom and sisters worried eyes in happiness.

"He, he." I chuckle. "I had to go clear my head again before the festival." I said. "It's in a couple of days but I need to be sure to get a good spot in it."

"O-Ok Honey." Mom says. Izumi just looks at me worried. She only a year younger than me and her very good and reliable telekinetic quirk would definitely help her as a hero.

"You look really worried man." She said jumping forward.

Reacting quickly I turn around and she lands on my back in a piggy back ride.

"I'm fine Zumi." I say and she growls.

"Don't call me that 'Zuku!" She yelled embarrassed. She set her head down on my shoulder. "I'm still confused on why you have a quirk now... What aren't you telling me?"

'Oh Zumi if only I could.' I think with a sad smile. "Maybe I just got super super lucky."

"Definitely." She said. "Or it could be that your body didn't let you activate it knowing that it could potentially blow you up used wrong and in such a scraggly body."

"H-Hey!" I say. "I-I'm not that scraggly!"

"Oh not anymore bro!" She said swinging onto my arm annoyingly. "It's like a freaking steel beam right here. In only nine months as well."

"I-It's not that Impressive 'Zumi." I said. "And if you stick to the schedule I gave you it should help you out as well as it did me. I want to see you kick but at the entrance exams next year got it Zumi?"

"Yeah!" Izumi said. "And then I can get sent up a grade ad catch up to you! And be your number one sidekick!"

"Sure 'Zumi." I say with a smile. "You've gotta train really hard though okay?"

"Right!" Izumi said. "Now carry me super strong brother! To my room we go!"

"To your room!" I say.

'I really wish I could tell you. But I'd need to let All Might give me permission first.'

Despite being sixteen, I tuck Izuku into bed at her request and leave the room flicking off the light as I leave.

"Love you Zumi." I say, but she's already snoring. 'You are the weirdest anomaly I've ever encountered.'

I go to my room and set my U.A. uniform out so I don't have to search for it before laying on my bed.

'Goodnight me.' I think to myself as I closed my eyes.


I walk into the classroom worried. How would they follow me? Would they be seen? How would I know if someone was one of the things that Slenda had talked about. I was tempted to ask All Might for advice before I remembered her words.

"I wont hesitate in killing you off."

I shiver as I rub my forearm. I take my seat in the left most isle of chairs.

Soon everyone started to enter the classroom and headed towards their dedicated seats.

"Hello." Aizawa says walking in front of the class. "We have two new students joining us for a while so treat them how you would anyone else. Except you Bakugou. You need to learn how to calm down."

"Grr." Kachan growled menacingly. "What did you say!?"

"Exactly." Aizawa said.

'No.' I think. 'No way they think they can fit in.'

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