The Festival. START!

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Izuku Pov.

"Ugh." I groan looking at the clock that sat beside my bed.

2:47 A.M.

"Ugh!" I yell. I just got out of late night 'Training.' As Tails had called it.

"If your damn power hurts you every time that you use it then it's no use to you. You need to learn how!"

They stood in front of a metal  about as thick as a fridge door.

"Start punching at your full 'regular' power. Than start trying to feel your power in you. Try only drawing a percent or two. Don't want to injure you before the festival. when you're able to dent the metal I'll allow you to go home and sleep."

'Have I ever told her how much I hate her?' I think as I drift to sleep.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I slam my hand down.


'Wait What?' I look to my left and see my alarm clocks destroyed remains. 'Did Tails's training actually work?'

I look at the calendar and sigh.

'I hope it has. With the Sports festival being today I'm scared it wont be enough.'

"Izuku!" I hear Izumi from downstairs. "Your friends are here to pick you up! Are you ready!?"

"I will be in like twenty seconds!" I yell jumping out of bed. The school was allowing us students to wear casual clothes for the day since we'll just be changing into P.E. uniforms for the majority of the day.

Quickly throwing on my shoes I rush out of my rooms door.


I jolt back in surprise and clutch my forehead in pain.

"Izuku!" Tails screamed. "You've been up here for nearly ten minutes!"

'What?' I think looking at my clock.

That was currently broken.

"Let's go!" She yelled grabbing my arm and pulling me down the stairs.

"AAAHHHH!" I scream as I'm pulled out of my houses door. "Izumi Be good! Watch me on the T.V.!"

I couldn't hear what she said but it sounded something like good luck.

I smiled.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

"In terms of power." Shoto said standing in front of me. "I'm certain I'm stronger."

I went pale realizing just what kind of people were going to fighting in this tournament.

"Hey now!" Kirishima yelled. "You're messing with Izuku nerves! How about you you back away an-"

"He's right." I said. Everyone froze at my words. "Right now he's way stronger than I am with only half of his power. But I don't care." I stood and pointed at all of them. "If any one of you want to target me then go ahead. But I'll be sorry for you when you lose the tournament."

"Is that a threat Deku!" Kachan yelled jumping forward in my face. He suddenly grinned. "I know you've been getting stronger in secret. You have a few hidden moves to use on us Deku? Huh?"

"K-Kachan!?" I yell flailing back.

"Hey!" Tails said stepping in front of me. "Get in his face again. I. Dare. You."

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