Man and Mushroom

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3rd Pov.

Slenda, Benny, and Jess watched as Izuku grabbed the headband. The second headband seemed to pull itself off of Todoroki's head.

"Benny rewind and slow it down." Slenda commanded.

"Sure." Benny said clicking a few buttons on the remote.

A few seconds later Izuku was aiming for the headband. Slowly he grabbed the wrong headband, Slenda realized, and then as if materializing from nothing a man that looked like a white inversion of Izuku appeared behind and grabbed the second headband and tied it to Izuku's arm in less than half a second.

"What the hell was that?!" Jess asked loudly. "I didn't see him do that when I saw him before."

"It seems," Slenda said. "That he himself doesn't know about it." She noticed Izuku's surprised face as heard that they had gotten the million. "Look at his face. What do you see?"

"He's surprised he actually got the headband." Jess said. "So you think he doesn't know he has that... thing in him?"

"No I Don't think he does." Slenda says.

"What's going on down here?"

Benny and Jess turn around and see a women standing there. She had short brown hair and was covered in bandages and stitches.

"Ann." Slenda says. "So nice of you to join us. It is a rarity to see you out of your office."

"It's no problem." Ann said before looking at the screen. "Is that the boy you want to join us?"

"..." Slenda just watched the T.V. as Izuku shook hands with Komori asking for a good mach.


She sighed. "I suppose that I am." She admitted. "But you have to admit he reminds you of..."

"What happened to him wasn't your fault Slenda." Ann said.

"I should have watched over him more. I'm not letting Zalga have her way with Izuku though." Slenda clenched her fist shut. She remember how the fire covered his body. And how many bones stuck out. She would never forget that nightmare.

"Let's continue to analyze him." Benny suggested. 


Slenda nodded and faced the T.V. once more.

'We will kill you Zalga.' Slenda promised.

Izuku looked across the ring at Komori.

"Let's have a nice match Komori." Izuku said.

"R-Right!" Komori said. Her small stature showing very little intimidation.

"Are both contestants ready?" Midnight asked.

Spores surrounded Komori as she looked slightly more determined.

Izuku concentrated and electricity bounced off of him.

"Then GO!" Midnight yelled snapping her whip.

Izuku ducked as a swarm of spores... 'or would it be a colony since they were living? '

Izuku lost his train f thought as the swarm rounded and came back at him.

'Oh crap!' He thought as the swarm barely missed him. 'I need to be more careful. I can't just run in or I'll inhale some and lose.'

Izuku lands and faces her. "Your quirk is really strong!" He complimented.

'W-What?' She thought. 'H-he doesn't think that it's weird?'

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