Round 6: The Final Round

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The three of you have fought hard to get here, but you've also hopefully had ample time to relax those writing muscles.

It's time to put them to the test. One of you—Wucksterpainebooksacredlilac—will be crowned Sole SmackDowner of SmackDown: Back to Our Roots. A remarkably worded title, I know.

Ready for the round? 


You have a single prompt for this round:

You must write a sci-fi story that in some way deals with the question "Where did we come from and why are we here?"

You must write a sci-fi story that in some way deals with the question "Where did we come from and why are we here?"

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Word count: Minimum of 2000 words, let's say 5000 maximum

Deadline: Wednesday May 20th, 3:30 PM PST/6:30 PM EST/10:30 PM UTC—(Thursday May 21st, 10:30 AM NZT) 

Email your story here: 

Previous SmackDown: Back to Our Roots contestants will be asked to provide a vote for their preferred story! One vote is worth one point, added onto the total score for a contestant. 

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